Report: 84% of countries prefer Playstation 5 over Xbox Series X|S

>New research suggests that Sony's PlayStation 5 will be carrying its momentum from the PS4 into its next-generation war with Xbox Series X.

Why is Xbox popular in Mexico? Are they fucking retarded?


>As for how the figures were acquired, Rise at Seven claims to have analysed global search data. It points to the fact that, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the majority of consoles this generation are being bought online, making it easier for them to ascertain the demand in each region.

>The company analysed 161 countries around the world. In doing so, it's discovered that a whopping 148 of them – or 84% - are seeking a PlayStation 5 over an Xbox Series X.

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What is your point here?

>Xbots are literal Mexicans and Chinks

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this thread has some potential gonna leave this here

Idk user, I think Asylum demon has the cutest butt desu

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Have you seen steam's top 10?

God, Mexicans are so STUPID

literally the WORST kind of people

>poor wittle Xbaux is irrelevant in its home country

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>mexico and china
i guess we know where the shills are coming from