Which one will you be using PCbros? I like the DS4 more than the One, but the size is too small...

Which one will you be using PCbros? I like the DS4 more than the One, but the size is too small. I like that the DualSense looks bigger than DS4.

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>microphone is the ds5
even if it wasn't ugly as sin I still wouldn't dare touch it.

DualSense. Never got used to Xbox controllers.

dualsense for me
>non retarded stick placement
>finally native windows support
>bigger than ds4
>overall kino according to everyone lucky to have one

They both look like cheap third party controllers

Playstation controllers look so much better if you ask me. And i never used xbox, only ps3, so i'd rather take a playstation controller

The xbox controller is more comfortable for me and the layout is better. But maybe the meme features of the DualSense take off and developers start integrating them into more games. If I was buying one right now I'd get a PS5 controller because I already have 3 Xbox controllers. But honestly if you're spending 70 bucks on a standard controller you might as well go extra and get something more premium.

I will probably keep using the 360 controller. It just werks.

I might try ds, I much prefer buttons on ds4 but I hate the integrated battery. If ds battery is good then I might try it.

>retarded stick placement

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The one that doesnt fund the tranny lobby.

>games wont make use of the touchpad (gimmick)
>games wont make use of the meme vibration (gimmick)
>games wont make use of gyro (gimmick)
>not supported on 98% of games
>have to use a program to make it work like an xbox controller so games can use it
anyone who thinks its a good buy for a pc is low iq or a shill

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Microsoft is full globohomo dumbass.


Probably the Xbox controller. I don't like a lot of LEDs on my controller.

so neither

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dualsense because i have used playstation controllers all me life since i was a wee lad

Always used xbox controllers for my pc they're comfty as fuck. Still have working og 360. Planing to get the new one once it's available.

I already have an xb1 controller, is there any point getting the new one?

No, not at all.

Apparently not; it even works with the new Xboxen.

I'm still using the switch pro controller I got, ended up being one of my favourite controllers of all time

switch pro controller emulated as an xbox controller because I don't want to buy a new controller and xbox has the best windows support.

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>b-but microsoft is pro consumer!!!

lol no, you are getting fucked even more this gen

>Xbox Live Gold costs $9.99 per month or $24.99 for three months. At $60, the 12-month subscription was by far the best value, though. It's still available from third-party retailers, but stock is sure to disappear quickly. There's been no explanation as to why Microsoft decided to stop offering a yearly plan

>b-but they will make online freeeeeee
wishful thinking lmoe

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Don't care trannoid commie.

I bought one of the elite xbox controllers like 6 months ago. pricey for sure, but it's the best gamepad I've ever owned.

I use my Switch Pro Controller more on PC than my Switch.

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I have 360 controller and logitech, maybe later gonna buy series x controller.

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right only if PC games utilize the adaptive triggers and haptic
otherwise sticking with my bone + ds4 controllers

It's nice to have a Switch Pro or PS controller if you can make use of gyro.

But otherwise using a Xbox controller is a more painless and streamlined experience on Windows 10.

So open it up and disconnect it.

I'll probably keep using my Xbox Elite S2 as it has all of the features of the Series S / X controller plus more, with the exception of the 'share' button. That said, I will at least give the Dual Sense 5 a try and it will hopefully be better than the DS4. The one annoying thing about the Xbox is that they don't have a built in gyroscope / motion control support which is kind of a pain in the ass when both PS4/5 and Switch Pro controllers do, meaning devs of cross platform titles can't simply expect there to be a gyroscope option for things like adding an additional level of granularity in aiming etc.

xbox controller of course. it "just werks" with all the games. playstation controllers sometimes have issues. i have both already so i know.

>games wont make use of gyro (gimmick)
This works in a lot of PC games and can be configured for others. The Xbox controller missing gyro is the biggest reason I wouldn't buy one.

>Xbox controller is a more painless and streamlined experience on Windows 10
Doesn't work on 7, and nobody has made a driver to make it work as far as I know. The PS4/PS5/Switch controllers just work on 7/8.1. This is the Xbox controller's biggest flaw.