Not interested in multiplayer. Is it worth picking up for the story/setting?

Not interested in multiplayer. Is it worth picking up for the story/setting?

Attached: Grand-Theft-Auto-V.jpg (1500x938, 269.71K)


It's 100% worth it for the multiplayer though

Yeah, singleplayer is still a sizable chunk of content.

It's not particularly engaging. It's not a bad game but after playing V I'm not excited for any future GTA games.

It's worth at least one solid playthrough, it's not as shit as the contrarians here would have you believe. Don't take it too seriously and enjoy the characters and story for what it's worth.

Fuck no.
It's total trash unless if you know a hacker to give you limitless cash.

>the whole game revolves around grinding and grinding to buy virtual things that won't matter in a year
Don't even buy rdr2 for the online. crack it if you really want a shitty movie game.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption II Screenshot 2019.12.05 - (1920x1080, 1.12M)

The story isn't that great, but it is nice to drive around sometimes.

It's worth to play it just because it's GTA, really.

Best open world game period, production quality is legitimately on another level, the amount of world polishing, radio channels having hundreds of hours of content in total, tv shows and brands that they made just for a video game... R* went balls deep on this game and it paid off. You should play it user.