Hyrule Warriors

Impa is so fucking cool bros

Attached: impa.jpg (1024x576, 104.27K)

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not really man

Attached: 1601920780825.webm (1146x480, 2.99M)

Literally just standing there letting you kill them. As expected of soulless chink shit.

Been playing a bit more today. Surprised when I found out you don't need to manually absorb her marks, as long as you kill the enemy you get it so you can just mark three enemies, kill them, then go ham.
On another note, has anyone figured out weapon fusing? So far I've just fused relatively willy-nilly, but try to fuse so I get abilities. I've also noticed that some abilities look "cloudy", any idea what that's about?

>looks at the bottom right
>just spamming circle
>this is supposed to be GOAT combat

Uh...china? lol

Attached: 1471567266857.jpg (201x226, 12.77K)

you're in a musou thread and that game has far more aggressive enemies than any musou

The genshin webm shows them not even moving.
If a single AOC enemy takes a swipe it's more active and challenging than genshin

>game has an attack button
>you press it to attack

Not sure, I've just been fusing everything I get together in to one uber weapon.

Attached: Impa.jpg (1534x1537, 374.97K)

the enemies in aoc are less aggressive though, when do they swipe? slowly, once every 15 seconds if they're not being attacked. the genshin webm shows enemies getting ready to attack then getting staggered.