tried to make this thread on /vrpg/ and those retards think
>characters that use martial arts = martial arts jrpg

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Search up Buu's Fury

Wasn't there a game on PS1 where the whole party punches shit?
Legend of LeGaia I think it was called.
There's also pic related as well

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>Gogeta vs Broly
Why was BT3 so fucking perfect, bros? They even made a fucking movie out of it.

>characters that use martial arts =/= martial arts jrpgs

It's funny because in the Budokai 3 opening he faces Broly as well. The long game is real.

DBZ is the nigger of anime

What made you come to that conclusion?

Is Dragon Ball not japanese?

a large number of DBZ fans above the age of 12 are niggers

It's the domain of chinese

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Jade Empire?
There;s nothing like it in japan

arguably though thinking about it, I guess Buu's Fury and DBZ games count but eh not really. Advanced Adventure maybe. Although, I'm thinking more something more about the martial arts.

Absolver, stupid.

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Because Cuckgeto looks like a homo that never won a single fight and Goku still need the fusion

>speed meta

Legend of Legaia

Xenogears main chars had a lot of martial arts.

like i said in the other thread nioh 2 or jade empire are the closest we have and jade empire isnt that good

Legend of legaia?

It's pretty dead and it's an mmo.
and it's not a jrpg but I don't really care about that.
is not a single one translated? I just want to live my 80s kung fu movie in a video game.

your tiny turn-based brain can't keep up with real time action games, huh. figures.

fair. kinda want a martial arts PLOT though and not just character's that do martial arts.

If you can accept a translation worse than Machine one at times, Tales of Wuxia and Tales of Wuxia the Pre-sequel are.
Some fans are sorta translating the other games the Studio (Heluo Studios) has made

Also a few others like Xuan Yuan Sword, which was just released and is more of an action game though

schizo. get out.

Why doesn't Zig Forums have a martial arts board?

Check out my RPG party

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>Wuxia movies got popular in the west for awhile
>Wuxia games still nearly non-existent
Not fucking fair.

Legaia and xenogears both had plots heavily influenced by martial arts tropes

Aside from Crouching Tiger and a couple ones with Jet Li, did they really ever get popular?

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>martial arts jrpg
we get it you are a chink its ok dude

but it will objectively suck
>make an rpg that instead of having sword or weapon or magic attack animations they have a kick or a punch or a slam or a choke!!!

Just watch MMA faggot, the UFC exists for a reason. And do them irl instead of being a slacker.

If he was a chink, he'd play games that were released in Chinese already though

not really popular but I shill the fuck outta this film to everyone

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Can you give an example of what you would consider an ideal martial arts jrpg? I'm having trouble conceptualizing it, based on the responses in this thread.

You're gonna have to provide some examples of what you mean nigga. It sounds like you oppose the idea of even having a menu based system like a typical JRPG. Do you want a fighting game styled battle system?

shit like
>Boxer who has to go through the underground ranks to face against the man who killed his dad.
>A man's dojo gets wiped, and he has to go get revenge.
stuff like the martial arts chapter in live a live

>you will never be a shaolin monk travelling ming dynasty china and learning the 5 animal styles while improving your karma
feels bad man

man im just looking for a martial arts movie like plot in my taiwanese not made from china or taiwan but made from japanese role playing games, i dont' think it's that hard.

Could you consider Shenmue a martial arts jrpg?

get wrecked, weeabo.

Honestly forgot about it hehe.

It was a fairly steady trickle including various things from like Hero, House of Flying Daggers and we saw the west do shit like Kung Fu Panda which was real popular. But, it's kinda dried up in the past half decade.

Isn't Legend of Legaia kind of like that?

God Hand.

I think I get the idea now, yeah there is a lot of work to be done in that realm. I think with China now entering the AAA market, we will start seeing a lot more of these, at least hopefully for your case lol.

Fair. I'd kinda consider it more of a beat-em-up rather than a JRPG

Please don't play that trash. Search Legend of the super saiyan.