Wow. 3:1 views in favor of PS5.
Is anyone actually going to get the series X?
Wow. 3:1 views in favor of PS5.
Is anyone actually going to get the series X?
why are sony fans so obsessed with sales and numbers
are YOU seeing any of that money?
RIP Xbox. Dead before release.
Yes, I'm seeing the money go straight into the quality of games and exclusives. Cope harder retard.
Haha now whos being retarded.
companies will put more effort to a console exclusive game if they know it will sell good
These two
>I'm seeing the money go straight into the quality of games and exclusives.
All the PS5 has so far is movie games, capeshit, and token soulsborne game, the same shit the PS4 had. Song exclusives hasn’t been a worthwhile argument since the PS2 when they were shitting out gold practically every other month.
For what purpose? I have a PC.
How is any of that a bad thing? Movies, capeshit, and soulsborne games are fucking based.