What's your favorite controller?
What's your favorite controller?
Jeremiah Rogers
Wyatt Long
>tfw no gf
Adam Gray
Xbone controller is nice
Just preordered one of the Series X controllers as my Xbox controller is falling apart
Gavin Rodriguez
Still using a 360 controller, so that
Jackson Foster
post the full image you coward
Aiden Richardson
shes fat and naked isnt she?
Adrian Nelson
My mother asked if I had a "fat fetish" years ago because I only hung out with heavier girls, like they were just chubby. Not super obese or anything. Really scarred me, though I never had the best relationship with my mom. She's basically anorexic and I'm convinced she's had an eating disorder for the last 10-15 years. She has lots of body image problems, but she also wants me to date a supermodel as well.
Liam Hernandez
she has a big cock
Parker Harris
well, do you?
Ian Wilson