Who is actually doing this? Even if you are rich can't you just google the images and skip the tedious gameplay loop?
Are people who spend money on gachashit less intelligent than normal people
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hey, can you guess how much did it cost to make that 20 dollar bill?
hint: it did not cost 20 dollars
>You're pressing buttons to make number go up
It's my money and I'll do what I want faggot
>expecting proper reasoning coming from weebtrannies
it's not your money though
it's calculated that for a human being to live in the first world, they would have to work 1250 hours daily at minimum wage just to pay the costs they incur on the planet
It plays on the desire to "earn" things.
what does any of that shit even mean
how can you call anyone else a faggot bro for real. spend your money on a very well made noose instead.
I'm also currently paying money for my internet, and all I'm doing is calling OP a fag.
What is your point?