Dubs or sub?

Dubs or sub?

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Well that's true

This translation is accurate.

whichever i get my hands on first

Is this wrong?



Based translators

How are they not the same thing?

They're both in 2D so it's not wrong

Not wrong

Dilate what?

The translation isn't wrong though.

I should really learn how to read and understand moon

that would be an accurate translation.

Seethe more pEdo

Could you be any more of a faggot?

Well it is the direct translation. That being said, there is nothing wrong with being a lolicon/pedophile.

>he gets hard with little kids
Be it 2D or 3D you're a fucking degenerate and should get hanged

English dub with English subs.

literally pedophile. The only reason why it was just lolicon was purely because of pervs gushing over anime.

>I'm not a pedophile I'm just sexually attracted to little girls

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Why not map?

>Sankaku Plus is still there
Are they getting permission from artists to paywall their art? What is this bullshit?

Bitch about dubs as much as you want, you're eating the same garbage when you read translations.

based Funimation

There's no such thing as a direct translation for a term like lolicon. It's pretty much slang.

the translation is right though, lolicon has a negative connotation in Japan and only weird people have used it as anything to be proud of. Barring that, they both mean an attraction to children or childlike features, so yes, the translation works, people just hate it because they somehow think in their mind that if they acknowledge they're attracted to children it means that they're some kind of evil predator who will go out of their way to prey on them, which isn't actually the case. It's just gross fucking nerd shit.

It doesn't even do anything

I've been watching anime for over 25 years. I know when subs are wrong.

-con and -philia is the same thing bruv

It's something that's been around for a long time, newfag. Danbooru sells access to artists that asked to have their works removed since at least 10 years ago, probably longer.

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cunny/loli fags are fucking creepy and need therapy.

Not paywalled. Protected from tranny watchdogs.

Wouldn't just "pedo" match the meaning and tone of lolicon better?

based translators
behead pedophiles

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