Ghostrunner thread

beat the game yesterday, pretty damn good.

Attached: ghostrunner.jpg (1280x720, 328.39K)

It is a great and underappreciated game. It's far closer to excellence of Hotline Miami than Katana Year Zero as it gives you certain degree of freedom on sequencing the rooms.
> When you start Tom look up - you can skip first "level" of it instantly.

>instant skip
no fucking way, really?
also chromatic izanami is the only skin better than the pre order gold blade imo.

Not the whole phase but it saves you I think 3 or 4 platforms?
I actually used Xbox one through whole playtrough.

Attached: pre-order-bonuses.jpg (1920x1080, 251.56K)

i pre-ordered it on pc last month. well worth the wait.
also that purple GOG one looks so good.
now if only there was a skip for phase2 of tom. that 2nd phase is no doubt one of the hardest parts of the game

amazing game, really hope to see more from it
adding something like the hard mode in katana zero would be awesome

Yeah its really good

Tom was for me the kinoest part of the game. 2nd phase was pure madness but I felt honest joy after I did it. Literally shouting at my TV and telling the game Fuck You I won.

facts. especially the last 2 levels before mara were so damn hard but when i beat it i felt so damn satisfied.
like i said, it was more than well worth waiting a whole month after i bought it. 8.5/10 at its absolute worst.


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