Are video games art?

Are video games art?

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They can be. Idk if there currently IS a game that is art, but any form of media can be art. People use to claim that photography could never be art and the same was said about movies in the early days.

Of course

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I don't care if they're art or not. I just want them to be fun

Some can be considered but they could be boring as fuck all the same.

This one is art

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Hylics, OFF, Journey, the LISA trilogy, POSTAL 2, so on

I don't think anyone (with a brain) is disputing that vidya doesn't have the potential to be art. I think the question is that if there are any vidya that currently exist that ARE art. Honestly idk but if it exists it's probably an indie game or fairly old. I guess you could make a case for Death Stranding but idk

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Pathologic 2