Why did it flop?

>Cute lesbians
>Murder mystery
>Time Travel
>Competely forgotten

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Did it? I thought every normie was playing it; Then again Telltale went bankrupt and they made similar normie bait non-games.

It wasn't a gacha and western lgbtq made. Fuck the west.

Because nobody wants to play as women that act like women, much less teenagers. "Gotta blame somebody. Otherwise, it's all my fault. FUCK THAT!"

Because “episodic” is a shitty dumb fucking meme format and all games using it should rot

Because it has low replayability value, it's just a nice story with a beginning and a end.
Also while it has a nice beginning the last few chapter are pretty average, the one game this perk have is it's unique concept but the story is kind of bullshit.

It captures the late 2000s- early 2k10s atmosphere pretty well at least, so I expect a lot of people rediscovering it in 2050 for the sake of nostalgia

>Through the lens of a Degrassi episode
>Hipsters that defend Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
That's why it flopped.

go watch the E;R video already

It sold over 3 million copies as a low budget game, it was a huge success.

Nigga you got it backwards everyone "liked" LIS ironically

Its the prequel/sequel that was pretty much forgotten