ITT: 10/10 games you'll never play again

ITT: 10/10 games you'll never play again.

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World of Warcraft
Witcher 3
Fallout NV
Diablo 2 LOD
Gothic 2
Pokemon Yellow/Fire Red

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Can't remember more.

Why would it be 10/10 if I never want to play again?

Outer Wilds is probably the ultimate example.

Shadow warrior 2
Warhammer Age of Reckoning
Southpark stick of truth
Cnc Tiberium Sun
Full Throttle
Lost Ark pre 2.0
Master of Orion
Darkest Dungeon

meant shadow warrior remake obviously

Biggest meme response ever.

MGS 1-4
Need to have been played on release too.

Team Fortress 2 between 2009-2012
The Stanley Parable
Subnautica until the lost river
Baba is you
Talos Principle