The best console ever. You can't argue otherwise

The best console ever. You can't argue otherwise.

Attached: ps2-slim.jpg (1200x1525, 435.16K)

Name 1 good game, fag.

Splinter Cell

I think the only real competitor is the ds, but I do think the ps2 edges a slight win

I thought not much of it at the time in like 2004.
Now, with the benefit of hindsight I see your point. Gaming peaked here.

Regular Xbox with the original Xbox live and headset was the best, Halo, Return to castle wolfenstein and Unreal tournament multiplayer just funner than anything else.

Online multiplayer and online integration is the thing singularly responsible for the death of video games. It is what brought us the cancer that is Call of Duty and Battlefield, endless sports games, DLC, microtransactions, and everything else that is games-as-a-service. Xbox ruined everything.

Chaos Theory was better on Xbox

Drakengard and don't give me that bad camera shit. If you can't handle bad cameras, then you didn't grow up in the modern retro era.

I did and i cant.
Even as a multi plat, its more associated with xbox