After playing Dark Souls 1-3 on my PC at 60fps, this 20-30fps shit is unbearable. I couldn't even make it past the tutorial area without closing the game and never touching it again. As far as I'm concerned it's unplayable util it gets ported to PC.
After playing Dark Souls 1-3 on my PC at 60fps, this 20-30fps shit is unbearable...
You spent $400 to play bloodborne? Yikes!
You're such a little bitch. Shut the fuck up.
You arent a real gamer, zoomer
I almost wanted to do the same, but one of my friends got the game and brought it over. Like OP said, the sub 30 fps is just unbearable. Hopefully we get this game soon.
I refuse to play a game that is going at a lower FPS than 60. It’s fucking 2020 ffs.
I agree. Bought a ps4 years ago more or less only to play it, still haven't even completed it.. waiting for a pc release
Yet another sour grapes thread
Should've waited for the PS5, dumb faggot.
Except in this case the grapes actually are sour.
I only did one playthrough and didn‘t even bother with the dlc. Can‘t be fucked with that performance and loading times
dead game anyways
Wanting decent performance is a Zoomer thing now? Next you’ll tell me the unpatched versions of Deadly Premonition 2 or the launch PC port of Arkham Knight are the best way to play them?
Wouldnt bother me enough not to play them because i'm not a transexual zoomer
>mfw I played Arkham Knight flawlessly at launch with an i5 2500k and R9 290X
I was one of the few lucky ones
Actually, accepting sub 30fps is prime zoomer shit. Before the PS3/360 era most games ran at 60fps
Can someone explain why the fuck everyone mad about 30 fps? I agree that 60 fps is much better, but saying that you won't play the game on 30 fps is fucking retarted
Same but with GTX970 and FX8320.
>single player game with optional online
Because it doesn't even run at 30fps. It runs somewhere between 25 and 30 with the most fucked up frame pacing I've ever seen in a game that makes it stutter so much it feels like you're watching a video over a bad internet connection.
30 fps on it‘s own is bad enough but 30 fps with dips and shitty framepacing is unplayable
>even the framerate itself can filter out shitters
Truly the game of the generation.
>too young to remember ps1/n64
Top zoomer. Chads dont care about arbitrary framerate standards, they just play good games
Consoletards honestly should be shot for defending anything below 40 frames.
Let alone fucking 30, EVER.
Though Bloodborne is overrated Reddit trash. All From games are the same corridory dodge simulators.
I wish it was better, but you're missing out. Hopefully it gets a PC port soon so you can play it enjoyably, user.
Because for the last decade I've been playing games on my PC that run at 60+ frames consistantly, and the last 5-6 years I've been running them at 144.
Going from that to something that can't even stay stable at 30 fps is a jarring mess.
I fucking love the FromSoft games. Played the shit out of the KR edition of DeSo when it first came out and was a hit on Zig Forums, have played all the other ones on PC since, including Sekiro, probably put 1,000 hours into the series as a whole.
I've barely managed to put 5 hours into Bloodborne because of how poorly it runs.
>arbitrary framerate standards
There's nothing arbirary about it. 60fps is the bare minimum for a game to be enjoyable unless its turn based.
It's not that bad, but I agree that it'd be a lot spookier on PC
Thanks for your input wojak poster.
Should have waited for the Bloodborne Remaster coming to Steam according to the trailer.
For autists, sure
It was leaked by the same guy who said Demon Souls would be shown, right? At least that adds some credibility
The difference was when you were playing PS1/N64 games everything ran like shit, and the games that did run "good" were only running at 15-20 frames to begin with. Technology has changed since then pal, what was acceptable 25 fucking years ago isn't acceptable by todays standards.