This is a great controller. On par with xbox depending on stick placement preference.
This is a great controller. On par with xbox depending on stick placement preference
Alright, I'll bite, I've heard its a little heavier, how's the weight? And is it jarring going between ps5 and ps4 or are they similar enough that it isn't annoying?
I'll asume you using on PC. Those those triggers works on that too?
but will the feature also work on PC with their haptic shit or will it be a $70 controller with no special feature and worst than a XBOX
This is the PC controller for years to come
The haptic shit seems like something the devs would need to implement in order for it to work as intended, otherwise it'll just be rumble
Not op but it’s noticeable to me, however my hands are on the larger side so it feels more comfortable than my DS4.
OP here, it is noticeable. I like it and no its not jarring. Just feels more "premium"
Games will obviously have to be coded for them to function properly so nothing wi be working with it currently. Hopefully games will take advantage of them in the future though
>hands not black