Shitty game criticisms

>the game is tracking you into thinking you're having fun
What the fuck does this mean? And why has it become such a common criticism?

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loterally never heard about this
sounds stupid


You know stonetoss is a nazi right?

What the fuck
Be honest user did you just make this up yourself?

>he fell for artificial fun
lmaoing at (You) right now


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I can see how it might apply like with live service shit or something, where the game claps for you and pulls party poppers because the shiny gold thing randomly dropped from the boss

Because some games prioritize addiction over fun, they only put enough resources into the latter to reinforce the former
It's possible to have both, but it doesn't make nearly as much money as the nu-fun model

actually yes, they do this

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I assume you meant tricking? It means they're designing it using psychological tactics.

You only think you're having fun because they're designing the game to fuck with the way your brain acts, not because you actually think it's fun to play.

And they're doing the same thing with the marketing too so retards defend bullshit.

Most if not all people would NEVER accept the same tactics and ideas used elsewhere EVEN THOSE SAME PEOPLE. Why? Because those other companies don't have the ability to use those tactics to their advantage as much meaning you'd never put up with them doing it unlike game ™ that's part of your identity.

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>too much water.

>the game is too hard.

The only time this argument is valid is when it's talking about gachas
>"I've spent over 100 bucks, I'm sure I'll get my waifu now! Oh the thrill, I'm having so much fun!"

It's valid when talking about every game that isn't one payment and done.

>tricking you into thinking you're having fun
This is just a clumsy way of calling a game "addicting".
Just about nobody will find playing any game literally all day "fun", they are just addicted.

This. Think of the press button games that used to exist where you pressed button and numbers increased. It wasn't fun, just mindless addiction. Quite a bit of games have this now

it means it's dangling arbitrary "progression" in front of you as a way of fooling your brain into dispensing small dopamine hits repeatedly throughout playtime.

So you might not necessarily be enjoying the time you're spending playing, but the game is structured in such a way to fool your brain into thinking you are.

>It all works well enough, but it just isn't FUN.
>Newer games are inherently better at storytelling than older games. (Yes, I actually have heard this)
>It completely lacks self awarity
>The controls are terrible (If they work, and the critic is assblasted because he doesn't like them/is bad at the game)
>The game uses tank controls
>It's not a bad game, it's just a bad X game
>Slutty costumes ruin immersion and censoring them was the right decision (Anybody who says this is a gay cuck faggot.)

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when you see literally one person in your life say something, but you're too pussy to address them directly so you make a post on Zig Forums

>It all works well enough, but it just isn't FUN.
Games that achieve all of their design goals but aren't fun are very common, I don't understand why you think this is a bad point.
>The game uses tank controls
Tank controls are fucking dogshit, everyone knows this, but they are usually just a sign of devs that don't know how to program cameras so they desperately went with tank controls so they didn't have to.

>Tank controls are fucking dogshit, everyone knows this
Prove it, faggot. If they work, they are not inherently dogshit. You just have bad taste and are bad at games.

>What the fuck does this mean?
"Stop liking what I don't like."
>And why has it become such a common criticism?
One guy got it to stick and was considered profound for it, and now every half-baked critic spews it for clout.

honestly its just people being salty they cant find anything fun in their lives

Nice projection.

Not everyone knows your ecelebs dude.

I've only experienced it a few times. It's when there are a few good moments that you enjoy in the gameplay, but afterwards when you think about it, it was frustrating/boring for 90% of the time you actually spent playing it.

Imagine if every time you played superman 64 you got cocaine splurted into your nose.

That's what everyone who likes DLC and MTX looks like to normal people.

> If they work, they are not inherently dogshit
twin sticks + aim assist WORKS and it's inherently dogshit in a world where gyro and mouse aim both exist.
Bubsy 3D WORKS and it's inherently dogshit in a world where Mario 64 and the games that came after it exist.
There is a long distance between something being functional and something being good.

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I've heard people say this a few times but I also have no idea what they meant. I always assumed it was just some bullshit they were saying to fuck around.

It's misused a lot. It mostly applies to skinnerbox games. Things like gacha, and modern shooters/mobas, where the actual gameplay doesn't have to be that good (and is in fact complained about more than anything else, usually), it just has to balance rewards other than winning with how often you're allowed to win.
But people use it to imply that basically whatever they want "isn't REAL fun" and it's bullshit.

I don't watch vidya ecelebs because they're all retarded galaxybrains. Getting offended at a blanket statement is also retarded. Relax.

>If they work, they are not inherently dogshit
Working isn't a metric for not being dogshit user. That would mean nothing you have ever played has been dogshit because it worked.