It's my birthday Zig Forums

It's my birthday Zig Forums.

Post coomerpilled vidya characters.

I'll start.

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Are they really so scared of reintroducing Sheva because of
1: she's black but beautiful
2: being painted as racist

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Happy birthday user. Today is my sons birthday as well.

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I love her.

Even though my number one will remain Lara (Legend > Classic > nuLara) followed by Carmelita Fox and mostly FG / FF characters.

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>tfw no weeb ebony gf

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>tfw not even western artists get ebony character rights

Both are the same thing to some people.

One of the only characters I wouldn't mind returning.

Sheva is pretty fuckable
It's so tempting.
But GOD the re-release of RE5s AI is fucking terrible, it's way worse compared to the original - I don't know how they did it.

Happy birthday!

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