Don't mind me, just posting the best recent horror game on this day of spooks.
Don't mind me, just posting the best recent horror game on this day of spooks
I liked it a lot, aside from minor ESL issues. Stopped playing it recently though because of a bug where it freezes sometimes when you loot and it's infuriating.
too high iq for me.
It stops being a coinflip once you killed the crow-nigger
The first save is free, that should be enough of a foundation to kill crow boy. Just make sure you get as much stuff as possible done beforehand.
This game has always peaked my interest but never got around to it
give it a try user
too bad that the gameplay fucking sucks, but I liked it's atmosphere and battle, but without xp there's no point in fighting, it's just a waste of time
>but without xp there's no point in fighting, it's just a waste of time
user that's literally the point. You aren't SUPPOSED to fight every enemy. If you aren't picking your battles and only fighting the enemies which are an immediate unavoidable obstacle, avoiding or hindering the others with well-placed arrows or beartraps if you can't sneak past them entirely, you're playing the game wrong. Did you think the game gave you the option to wear a skin suit crafted out of the hides of the jailers for no reason?
This. It's actually one of the better attempts I've seen at survival horror.
Trying to fight every enemy is fucking suicide m8.
>RPG Maker game
Hard pass.
>he got filtered
but user, one of the best RPG was made with that engine
By the poor engine? The shitty animations? The piss
-poor, basic-ass turn based combat?
RPG Maker games are absolute TRASH.
>he got THIS filtered
>1 minute 13 seconds apart
>Same comment
Samefag. Probably the dev shilling his game.
But I like to fight enemies and see my character getting stronger. After dying so many times because of how RNG this game is, it just gets boring.
Filtered hard.
Darkwood is better and way more scary. The biggest problem of this game is it's engine.
Not the dev, but both are me. Because I was replying, dumbass. There's nothing more to say.
I like the game in theory.
I kinda wish other games tried this but with the difficulty being easier lol and a more grounded setting. I wonder when the sequel is coming out.
Protip, if you bash on the special locked door in the basement enough times you get the best weapon in the game right off the bat at the cost of your current one. Enjoy easymode.
Game is kind of shit tho.
Does it? I was under the impression that door health reset each time you exited without breaking the door in-battle.
Just keep attacking it
Also this door is a special case, to clarify
Miasma is dope