
>rip off game developers with 30% fees, a fee which can only be justified in a physical store with employees
>have not developed any good game since Portal (meanwhile Epic and CDProject are still very active despite most revenue coming from their platform
>DRM, no way to install games without client, which will spy on your computer and sell data to US government, Google etc
Why do kids these day like this steaming pile of shit so much?

Attached: 3642035-generic-steam-logo-promo1-2-thumb-2 (2).jpg (1214x933, 344.23K)

Based chads, they're just doing what apple does

Don't care, still buying all my games on steam.

>lazy Gaben does nothing for years
>Steam is still the best store by a large margin
Why are all competitors so incompetent?

as a customer it’s the best store idgaf about devs

what the fuck else am I gonna use, steam was made for the lazy buyer, that is me

gog don't have regional price for my area.

GOG improved a lot by introducing their own community/reviews and selling new titles in addition to classics

>>rip off game developers with 30% fees
Why do you care? It's not like you're seeing any of that dev money.
>inb4 "Think of the devs!"

But it is not. It is DRM and spyware. Steam scans the contents of your computer.

Valve is too incompetent to run a spyware operation

wtf, uninstalling Steam and installing Epic instead

I don't have to use credit card to purchase from steam

So?I have nothing to hide. Everyone spies on you anyway, even here on 4chins.

this, valve has sat on its ass doing nothing for over a decade and all these other big companies can't make a store a quarter as good if they tried
its not even just a features thing, steam's ui gets a little worse every year but everyone else still has absolutely atrocious ui somehow

>he uses Windows
>he cares about privacy

i know this is bait, but fuck it i'll bite since you faggots wont shut up.

that would imply that they're forcing devs to go to Steam. Instead, they just happened to be the ones smart enough to make a good platform for PC games

>>rip off game developers with 30% fees, a fee which can only be justified in a physical store with employees
the 12% cut would only be useful if the game was purely indie, because otherwise, only the publisher would see an increase of profit. And plus, that would mean most of the fees covered by the 30% gets pushed to the consumer. Fuck off with that noise.

>>have not developed any good game since Portal (meanwhile Epic and CDProject are still very active despite most revenue coming from their platform)
Half Life Alyx is good. I don't care if it doesn't count just because it's a goddamn VR game. it still counts as a fucking GAME. They did suffer from eternal development hell up until now, though.

>>DRM, no way to install games without client, which will spy on your computer and sell data to US government, Google etc
True. But honestly, Epic's no fucking different. Hell, they're probably worse since they most likely selling that data to the chinks. They got caught red handed in extracting data from STEAM ACCOUNTS, for fuck sakes.

tl;dr you're either an unironic corporate bootlicker or a shitposter that just wants easy replies. If it's the latter, then here's your stupid fucking reply.


>EGS, Uplay, Origin, Xbox, and GOG exist
Lmao out loud my ass off

Attached: tenor (20).gif (176x118, 597.29K)

>get in on the ground floor
>everyone buys games for a decade that they can only play on your app
>new app comes out
>they wonder why people arent flocking to their new app
you're fucking retarded

Less revenue, less indie games without publisher tyranny you get. Don't complain that games are so uninspired these days if you don't give a fuck about people who make them

>tl;dr learn to love gabe's fat cock in your ass

And why aren't these indie devs on other stores then?
Fuck off you retard

Ever heard of the term "monopoly market share", underage?

Steam was complete dogshit before competitors came along. Origin and Uplay forced Steam to improve a lot

bootlicker BTFO

Devs arent exactly saints either. Sometimes they complain why their Walking Simulator #125435 isn't getting any attention. At this point, both the AAA and indie markets have been tainted, forcing you to look for that diamond in the rough for both areas.

This. If you truly cared about privacy you wouldn’t use Windows at all. Don’t even say “much Linux gaming” either.

many are but dumb customers only buy on Steam even if the game is cheaper on the dev's own website

When was I defending Epic in terms of not being spyware? It's just that Steam launcher is one as well.

>brb moving goalposts lolmao
sure, kiddo

> if the game is cheaper on the dev's own website
name 5

>using your credit card info on some shady site
Dumb customers indeed.

dont care still best service

>less indie games
Oh no, no more pixelshit games. Good riddance.

>its a monopoly!
>but its not
>well its kind of like this other term that has the word monopoly in it!

>american education

Stopped reading there. Retarded underageb& shitposter.

I also use Origin, GOG, and (back then) Uplay. If one of them gives the best service to me, then I'll gravitate towards that service.

Epic isn't giving me an actually good service compared to any of them. They aren't even being generous with their regional pricing compared to Steam. Or that they barely support non-credit/debit card based transactions, which is a big thing in Asia. Specifically Japan.

Yeah, basically both of them are spyware. Both are almost as bad in that department, but having that data go to the chinks is a scenario that's worse imo.

There's no alternative if you want to play on PC.

>y-you're just stupid!
>no I don't have an actual point!
you have to be at least 18 to post here

No, get fucked faggot.

>what is paypal

Steam was already regarded as pretty good before Origin came around, it was part of the reason people shit so hard on Origin and EA's games being removed from steam.

Steam wouldn't even allow you to choose where to install your games. It all had to be in the same folder. It only did that after uplay or origin did it first.
Also Steam refunds are a direct response to Origin marketing its refund policy heavily

Not exactly. I'm pretty sure it was because the goverment in Australia pushed them to implement refunds.