Is Playstation 5 game lineup one of the best ever?

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Remember all of those dead years on PS4 just remember, they frontload the launch and you occasionally get a good game thrown your way

one of the most underwhelming ever, yes


Only GoW has the potential to be decent, everything else will be basedboy shit (aka goty for snoys)

Those games are all garbage. Why is this gen off to such a shit start...

>one of the best ever?

Not even close, this shit is embarassing.

>crossgen shit

>First year has all those games
>other years is waiting for the sequels to launch at the end of the gen

Wow, going to be amazing.

>Gran Turismo
>Releasing on time
They never learn










You're acting like last gen was in any way good. Next gen honestly looks like a step up, but we're still a million miles below baseline after gaming dropped off a fucking rock 15 years ago.

>Gran Turismo
Car go brrrrrm.
Why? The first one was mediocrity squared.
>God of War
Anthony Burch is writing it.
>Ratchet and Clank
Forgotten about in a week, if that. Notice how no one talks about Crash 4 anymore despite that being a WAY bigger title?

All I'm seeing is another gen of nogames.

The new Ratchet doesn't look much different from the PS4 one. The series is getting boring. Horizon sucks. Gow Ragnarock should be good thoigh.

Watch all of those games get an Abby character that ruins the franchise forever!

If I have learned anything, it's that you should always add +1 to the year devs say the game will come out.

No way is HZD2 or GOW2 hitting next year.

You mad?

I want to play Gran Turismo so badly but I don't want to pay $500 just for that. Well maybe if I wait 2 or 3 years a slim model will be out and the game will be cheap and updated anyway.

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Grand tourism : tranny cars confirmed

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you mean 500 buck + 80 for the game + 200 for the DLC

And ps+ for online
Shit im sticking to pc

I never bought the dlc in 5 or 6 and I don't play online so for me it will probably be whatever the price drop for the system ends up being and 20 or 30 for the game in 2 years.

>greatest lineup ever xD
>list of casual games and cuckoldry like horizon
What is this shit op? Pathetic

it is the best if we're talking first party games only

*Also on PC

So basically sequels. I mean, it's better than clogging the line-up with half-assed new IP's like Knack, but something on the same level of quality as Bloodborne would be nice.

>micro transactions and dlc out the ass

racing games are dead

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Does a good first year PS5 make up for 2 full years of literally no games on PS4?

I have a bridge to sell anyone that thinks God of War is releasing next year

God of War is not coming out next year. It will be a teaser for the game released next year. I bet it will be end of 2022