A fucking shoe box
A fucking shoe box
Other urls found in this thread:
>called xbox
>wtf why does it look like a box
And it still looks better that the virgin ps5.
die OP
If you could actually put your shoes in it and all the hardware was in the walls, sony would lose their market instantly
>pogging in real time
someone explain pog to me
I would rather own a shoe box than a RoachStation
>IP count didn't go up
Your mom is up
it's not a shoe box it's a console and it's called the Xbox Series X
It's like pegging but in a gamer way
u wot
>Peak aesthetics black box vs chudstation 5
JESUS CHRIST Why are Americans so fucking disgusting? Why do you have roaches IN YOUR HOUSE?
How fucking filthy are you bastards?
Low income wagies living in shithole apartments
I used to be friends with a guy who's house was third-world filthy. he also had roaches living in his xbone. its more related to general american filth.
that pic is from an austrailian household dumbass
have you pogged in real time today, Zig Forums?
i have forsen up in windowed mode on my monitor so yes, whenever he finds a fortress
school was weirdchamp today
>watching streamers
an autist that gets unlucky in vidya
xqcL i enjoyed my slam the fart
>my mom died
>my dog is lost
>im failing school
>im extremely depressed
>here's $20
>pogging in
People who watch twitch are worse than subhumans
ok grandpa
weaker than ps4 LOL
>game is darker = game runs better
It wasn't America that the meme originated yuropoor. In Japan there were plenty of PS3s where roaches took shelter in. So places like 2chan ran with this portrayel.