ITT: mediocre/terrible games that people pretend are "GREAT" because they're nostalgiafags who played them when they were kiddies
ITT: mediocre/terrible games that people pretend are "GREAT" because they're nostalgiafags who played them when they...
But I played none of those as a kid and ended up thinking they were pretty great (aside from Mario Land). Fuck outta here
>babby's first bait thread
Really weak effort but I'll give you a pity bump
Now you can reply to this with a greentext like ">everything i disagree with is bait", or maybe a good ol' cope or seethe. Don't forget to say boomer too.
Nobody pretends Luigi's Mansion was great and it was a miracle it ever got any sequels
>Nobody pretends Luigi's Mansion was great
it's full of nostalgiafags who keep wanking the original game saying it was "spooky" and better than the later games, when it was nothing more than a glorified tech demo
they were good for the time they were released in, but you wouldn't know what that even means, because from the way you type I'm assuming you weren't alive then.
so you agree that they are indeed games only praised by nostalgia?
>game is good
>years pass
>game is suddenly bad
do zoomers really
link's awakening remains my favorite zelda and it's one of the few games I'll actually go back and replay
it holds up
LA isn't my absolute favorite Zelda but it is very good. Surprisingly effective story given how limited it is.
(to clarify I'm talking about the original, not the plastic remake)
gotta love how hipsters latched onto that "geek culture" fad then quickly go "y-you guys are nolstalgiafags!" as a pathetic attempt to boost their fragile egos
>game is good
>people don't know any better because there's nothing to compare it to
>years pass and more games release
>game's flaws are made apparent thanks to later games pointing them out
Literally why GSC are trash and why HGSS worst part is being faithful to the dated game design.
>people don't know any better because there's nothing to compare it to
do zoomers fucking really absolutely shit the bed on fire
well, yeah, compared to gen 1, gen 2 must have looked like god's gift to earth in comparison.
not hardly, it was just a grand sequel
but kanto (best region) in all its glory was limited to yellow & red
I have nostalgia for these games but have no desire to go back and play then because I know they wont hold up. Except maybe link's awakening.
I was about to rage when I saw the Zelda entry until I realized it was awakening and not LTTP, carry on.
Mario Land was never called great, nor was Luigi's Mansion
Link's Awakening is a fine 2D Zelda game
Agree on GSC though
go die in a fire
The only people who liked gen 2 were people who liked gen 1 and wanted the same thing again.
I've never once heard someone call Super Mario Land anything but shit
These are all games I've replayed. They're all fine, stop being a contrarian faggot.
Switch out LA for ALttP and you got it right.
LttP is hardly a nostalgia game. That would actually be OoT.
But even then LA is the king of "I played it as a kid and was the best game ever!!!" at least when it comes to the Zelda series.
The only thing you'll get me to agree to is that HGSS were a massive objective improvement over GSC.
Golden Sun
3 is better
Sonic Adventure/Adventure 2/Heroes
I recently replayed it, it's exactly the same as I remember, both good and bad. Cutscenes still take a thousand years because no one ever stops talking, but the puzzle solving and battles are still great.
It did. I still remember how vivid the colours were and how beautiful the pokemon's new sprites were, especially the back sprites which actually looked like what they were supposed to be.
mario 64