Which game are you most looking forward to playing?
Which game are you most looking forward to playing?
Angel Ramirez
Isaac Myers
No More Heroes 3
Joshua Morgan
No More Heroes 3 is actually going to be good
Isaiah Perez
>playing videogames
Jason Morris
NMH3 makes me wish I had the onions tablet.
Cyberpunk 2077 makes me regret having the ability to feel hope.
John Lopez
Ive watched CP gameplay it literally looks like GTA why wouldnt I just replay san andreas instead
Camden Perry
I'm sure Cyberpunk will at least be good, though probably not great. After waiting so long I lost interest.
No More Heroes 3 has me excited and the recently released Switch ports of 1 and 2 boosted that a bit.
Daniel Cooper
Isaiah Martin
Aiden Kelly
The one that isnt hopelessly out of touch