How in the fuck am I supposed to find a Nether Fortress with the new 1.16 generation...

How in the fuck am I supposed to find a Nether Fortress with the new 1.16 generation? I've looked at least a thousand blocks in every direction and have found nothing whatsoever. This close to just using an external tool to locate one because this is starting to piss me off.

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You're probably very unlucky or you may have missed it around a corner or something like that. One of the easiest ways I've found to discover a Nether Fortress (without mods) is to go to the Nether.

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imagine playing that when mods exist

instructions unclear, somehow teleported to the end

>playing vanilla minecraft

you don't seriously...

>not using the quest compass
do you even zoom?

install mods

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Use /locate. If you don't have cheats on just open the world to LAN and you will have them


I imagine I will be smited for this but I do not like playing modded

You don't like modifying the game to your liking?

mods get tiring. after enough magic block progression sessions, everyone reverts to vanilla

That's based. I don't care for mods either. Also, I'm pretty sure Minecraft has a command for locating biomes and structures.

modded is more than just bloated FTB packs, y'know

Personally I've found most mods to either be too cluttered and just make things far too confusing or are so divorced from minecraft's core gameplay that they're not worth playing in my book.

That, and the world I am playing on I wanted to do vanilla regardless since I have never actually beaten the dragon solo (though I have done it a fair few times with friends)

you dont need a mod, a basic command does it, i think its /locate fortress

anyways, ill agree that they are far more rare now, and so incredibly impossible to find usually.

out of 9 servers ive played on, the nether fortress is nearly/over 2,000 blocks away, which after a few days of looking, led to us using /locate to find it.

i did play a few games solo, and out of 3, only one of them had it within 400 blocks, and the other 2 were 1k+ blocks away.

>start minecraft world
>plop down portal right next to my spawn point
>spawn literally directly under a nether fortress
git gud scrub

I didn't know that Forsen browses Zig Forums.
Say hi to Nina for me.

I guess I can understand from a theming perspective that most mods feel like they don't belong in minecraft like the 90 million technology and automation shit there is out there but after playing minecraft with mods, even something as simple and inert as the aether mod i just couldn't imagine myself ever enjoying vanilla MC again from how utterly boring it is. My main problem with mods is that it's a pain in the ass to set up.

looks like you think kitchen-sink packs are everything modded MC consists of, when it's not. There are mods like MineTweaker which allow you to tweak virtually everything. Find a mod to be too bloated? Either find an alternative (of which there are hundreds) or just remove the bloat via scripts.
>divorced from minecraft's core gameplay
and that core gameplay is? Mojang has borrowed lots of stuff from mods (namely pistons, horses, and more), and yet nobody ever thought these additions didn't fit thematically.

anything but autism mods is too similar to vanilla or not cool enough for me to give a shit

I find modding Minecraft to honestly be much easier than modding other games.

>Oh boy, time to load up a fun game of Minecraft with my pals!
>"Hey bro, we're playing on a 1.4 magitech thaumcraft aether skyblock optifine dubstep server, spend 3 hours going to these obscure websites and downloading enough mods to fry your RAM. Also be sure to play through this weird ass launcher from 2013"
>Finally get into the server
>It's another post-scarcity hellscape where nothing matters anymore
>Pipes and skyscrapers all over the place
>All your friends laugh at you from their jetpacks as you punch le purple tree
>Quit after 30 minutes and never return

Haha yeah, modded minecraft bros...

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>playing minecrap after Notch ditched Zig Forums for reddit because he couldn't handle actual feedback

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t. 140 IQ
most of us are still struggling to master the vanilla mechanics literally 10 years later and trying to add even more features on top of it is juggling way more than we can already handle with vanilla. I'm constantly having to go online and figure out what the fuck i'm even suppose to be doing to get my character all the best gear, and my skill with redstone extents to watching tutorials and copying other people. i wouldn't know what to do with all the advanced bullshit these mods like to add

the weird thing is that most big mods like Aether give you an in-game guide for everything, as obvious as it might be while vanilla MC doesn't tell you shit and expects you to realize that you need to combine enderpearls (which are very hard to get) with blaze powder (also very hard to get) to find a consumable item that you gotta follow over massive distances to find a specific underground dungeon.

>not playing 1.16 modded
never gonna make it

1.16 has mods though

fuck mods, only QoL shit for me, such as UI changes or shaders

it tells you enough. see: autistic japanese man

Best mods for switch?

it'd be best if you just made your own pack

piropito had issues building a nether portal, though.