Now that Miles best costume is in the game will you be buying the new spider-man?

Now that Miles best costume is in the game will you be buying the new spider-man?

Attached: spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-costume.jpg (800x450, 60.27K)

For Gwen

It's good that the main character is black and the cities NPC's are wearing masks, just like real world NPCs. But I'm not sure they are meeting the diversity quota just enough... Will have to wait till the Bafta nomination.

I'll probably buy it if it comes to PS4 because the first game was really good

The game looks like a reskin of the first one , I’ll buy it when it goes on sale since the first one took me a day to beat

It was confirmed PS4 with free PS5 upgrade ages ago.

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Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider is a shit character and thank god she's not in this universe. Furthermore, they abandoned that ship in comics

and it was all pushed by one jew

Seethe more Peter Porker
Nobody remembers you

It sucks because Bendis was a pretty great writer before he began his anti white crusade

I'll get it for ps4

>Nobody remembers you
You and I both know that's a lie. In fact Miles will never reach the same popularity as Peter

Does the costume include the hoodie and shorts? No hoodie and shorts means no buy.

That is a different costume.

Attached: hoodie.jpg (1920x1035, 494.15K)

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No. I'm tired of black people


We're tired of you.

I'm not tired of you cretin

I'm not tired of him.

Not after reading the leak of the post-credits scene, no.

what leak?

I hope this isn't suck miles off the game.
I like miles in the movie but his uncle had to die before he can be a hero. If this is just Miles being a hero for the sake of it and just playing around, it's gonna suck.

I fucking hate miles so no, he is so fucking boring

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yeah preordered the ps5 and the ultimate edition, looking forward to playing it
seethe more Zig Forumscels

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I hope this is his movie counterpart and not his comic one. Hes such a boring cardboard cutout in the comics.

Probably not. I enjoyed the first game but it got repetitive.

No, he wasn't.

Here it is:
The after credits scene takes place in Miles apartment. We see Miles taking off his Spider suit after a long day of work. He walks over to his couch and sits down, exhausted, and says “Come ova here whyte boy”. The camera pulls back as a naked Pater crawls over to Miles and pulls out his bbc. Fade to black as Peter begins sucking on it. Smash cut to to “Miles Morales will return in The Superior Spider-Man”.

You fucks aren't even remotely funny

Attached: a.jpg (700x700, 72.35K)

spider-man was created by a Jew

>Furthermore, they abandoned that ship in comics
Thank god. One of positive things about Spiderverse was the abscense of a forced shipping. Him being a kid and them being friends made it better. Although apparently they want to introduce romance in sequel.

this one

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Ditko wasn't a jew.

why is this dog so god damn endearing. if you replaced him with anything else like a kid or something it just wouldnt be the same.

We associate dogs with unconditional innocence, loyalty, and love. We were all kids and know how flawed we can be and know we will be.

Stan Lee was

And he didn't create Spider-Man, Ditko did.

They both are credited as creating him.

Credited, yes.

I was going to until I saw the Black Lives Matter graffiti in it. Literally went too far with that. I'm so pissed about it to I just wanted to enjoy my retarded capeshit game. But now there's anti-white propaganda and I'm not going to play a game where the developers hate me.