Why aren't you in VR?

Why aren't you in VR?

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i am playing tekken. i wish i was getting better at it but i fear that i am not.

even VRchat is boring when you're a social failure

too expensive

stop being poor

no games to play, I've played them all
except the oculus exclusives of course, but there's no way I'm giving facebook my money, and they're uncrackable afaik so fuck them

Too expensive, I don't want to drop hundreds of dollars on a good set especially when there aren't really that many worthwhile games yet to justify the purchase.

Waiting for my lenses. Curse my need for vision correction.

>and they're uncrackable
have you tried using google?

>VR Pucks

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lost its charm after a few hundred hours
I'm currently waiting for the next big leap. maybe if elon musk's braincancer computer isn't dead on arrival that will be the future

My quest doesn't want to play nice with steamvr.

have you tried not being a nigger?
it's pretty easy, just stop being a nigger and sucking cocks user-kun

because i don't have my HMD on

I make more than you

>being this mad just because you dont know how to use a computer
holy fuck

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To all Non-VR Fags, You can buy a Used VR Headset for Cheap, especially Ocolust ones, One of the Main Point is VR Porn, Its the best shit ever, and you can Easily turn any POV Porn video into a VR Porn Video.

Also Boneworks is pretty Kino

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And the Index seems to have shitloads of technical issues. It seems like you're guaranteed to RMA it at least once.

if $300 is too expensive for you i have bad news...

don't ever reply to one of my posts ever again, nigger

too bad, im gonna keep calling you out for being an absolute retard who cant do something as simple a google search

Doin keto and after work i dont feel like moving at all. Im gonna play Alyx though when works done for the season and get back to beatsaber i think. And H3.
Having a lot of fun right now though with 7 days to die and Battlefield 4.

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I can afford it and have a PC for it but I lack the space for roomscale so what's the point

i bought an oculus quest 2 and there's no fucking games for vr other than alyx. they're all cheap indie piss games where you wail swords at enemies charging towards you.

My legs are recovering after doing Ironman in Squat Gym.

I'm a laptopfag, not sure my 1660ti can support the index.
>inb4 get a desktop
currently saving for a 3xxx build, can't really afford to go VR and upgrading at the same time

>vrchat is 90% quest users now.
I really need to update my avatars with android copies but it's such a pain to set up old projects.

What's the best source for VR porn out there?
All I can find are some low quality videos and stuff... I mean, they work but they are not that great.

torrent trackers obviously

because my quest isnt done charging

I'm in real life instead

Already explored most of the worthwhile maps and talking to people just ends up being smalltalk since I'm socially inept. Avatar creation or world creation is too hard for my small brain

what are those bottom things?

>>vrchat is 90% quest users now.
>tfw you use chibi avatars so you're automatically android-compliant
I have no shota or goat avatars, and I must scream.

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