-cyberpunk gets delayed
-trump loses
-TLOU2 wins goty
-elden ring canceled

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nah nigga I live in
-not giving a fuck
-playing some vidya and reading -getting sucky sucky from your mummy


>TLOU2 wins GOTY
Please no.

trump won though and had 4 years to prove himself.

Imagine caring even the slightest bit about videogames or being a trump supporter lmao

>-getting sucky sucky from your mummy
proof or didn't happen

I'm living in the
tImeline and i dont care im enjoying Genshin Impact

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sounds based to be honest

-sneed gets delayed
-chuck loses
-feed wins GOTY
-seed gets cancelled

sorry it did not happen
I did it for le funny lulz moment

Only bad part of that is cuckmanns fanfic.

>cyberpunk gets delayed
Don't care, looks like shit
>trump loses
America is fucked either way, since their choice is between a escaped mental patient and a senile kiddy fiddler
-TLOU2 wins goty
Okay, that one bothers me, I admit it
-elden ring cancelled
GRRM is a fat obnoxious cunt, at least this means FromSoftware can work on an actually promising project

>-cyberpunk gets delayed
Based as fuck
>-trump loses
Based, his temper tantrum will be funny as fuck.
>-TLOU2 wins goty
Not based, but Zig Forums seething is kinda funny.
>-elden ring canceled
Don't care, probably based

Seems fine to me.

Besides TLOU2, that's a good timeline lmao

why do you hate elden ring user?

we already live in a timeline where people unironically care about video game "awards." we're already at the bottom, nowhere to go but up.

You are living in the
>More Higurashi and Umineko

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>Cyberpunk actually got delayed against all odds
>Trump is actually losing for real
>TLOU2 wins GOTY because there was literally almost no other AAA game released this year
What a wild fucking ride, when you're at rock bottom the only way left to go is up

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the first season was ok, everything else is garbage

Trump will not lose. He hasn't even lost yet.

it was very funny anonymous thank u

not him, I can answer: like everything else, elden ring is just another thing he says he's going to pick up and then never finishes.

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on, it's all up into the courts now

it's over.


kys secondary


>when you're at rock bottom the only way left to go is up
It was looking like we were gonna hit bed rock last night. Thank God shit's turning around.
Good that Cyberpunk got delayed too, gives the poor faggots more time to polish it.

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no problem botha', you got it
i'm here to tell a joke here and there to lighten' or bumpen' the thread up

you're a funny kinda guy
you're a swell guy
you're an alright guy