This is Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight

This is Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight.

Say something nice about him.

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why didnt he just climb out of the lava and win the fight

because the lower half of his body IS the lava

I don't know the lore of DS2 but where is this indicated that it's Gwyn? The wikis say it's some nobody.

Actually this guy is just a random demon, The true old iron king AKA gwyn was the hole in the arena

Lava too comfy

Balrog of Morgoth

let the DS2trannies have their fanwank, their entire game is basically just deviantart fanfiction of DS1 anyways

small cock

>entire game is basically just deviantart fanfiction of DS1 anyways

Sounds a lot more like 3 to me.

me being a tranny has nothing to do with the fact that dark souls 2 is a bretty gud game with a lot of build variety, which gives it more replay value than the others

like clockwork

he drops gwyn's soul on ng+

So it's Dark Souls 3 before Dark Souls 3, got it.

It's implied that the Old Iron King is the reincarnation of Gwyn.

post hole

in a sense yes, both are sequels that greatly squandered the original's greatness and potential, introducing a lot more problems than they fixed and outright omitting a lot of the original's strengths. this is ignoring the fact that "b-but DS3" is the ultimate DS2tranny coping mechanism, as if another bad game existing automatically makes their bad game good.

did they remove that npc mage summon for him in sotfs? I remember I couldnt find it

You really haven't heard of "sequels"?

He drops Gwyns soul. The soul, which is the only reason Iron King survived being thrown into lava

3 is unironically worse than 2. At least 2 had great pvp.

oh yeah man i remember asking

Your entire post applies to DaS 3 as well, which was a soulless, phoned in cashgrab.

tiny legs

based illiterate


3tards, when will they learn?

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Why didn't he just grab the tiny platform you were on and flip it over?

don't ask questions. just comsume the product

He's referring to the fact that you can swap 2 and 3 and hold the same argument. All you've been doing your past couple posts is moving the goalposts and sperging out, like a typical 3tard.

Reevaluate your life, faggot. You 3tards are beyond pathetic, and make an already cancerous community in the Souls community even more unbearable.

Only demon in 2 is the Demon of Song (and even then he's Nitto's guy so he might not be real demon). Ivory King and Alsana prevented any demons from escapeing from Izolith

Are you ready to admit 2 and 3 are shit then?

>He's referring to the fact that you can swap 2 and 3 and hold the same argument.
what exactly did you think my argument was in the first place?
>replying to a post talking about DS3
>talk about "both sequels" under the same umbrella
like what the fuck are you trying to do here? did you even read my original post? i'm talking about how DS2 and DS3 are no better than the other in terms of being good sequels and you retards immediately start shouting "b-but DS3" even though i'm literally calling DS3 a shit game. what the fuck is your disorder?

holy seethe

I think you are in a piece of the castle that hasn't melted yet, not a random island of floating floor. Otherwise it wouldn't be connected to a fog gate and a subterranean area with a bonfire.

Dude you ever have that perfect shower temperature and then refuse to get out because your entire body feels amazing and outside of the shower it's freezing cold and you're standing there naked thinking about going back in there because it's suffering and pain

this but unironically dark souls 2

Had to hide his boner.

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why did he not simply breathe fire from out of range forever

He found Gwyn's soul after he died. The Souls of the Lords haunt the land of Drangleic

Last I remember of DaSII's clusterfuck of a story Old Iron King was in possession of Gwyn's Lord Soul, as was the case for others. Except maybe the spider? Seemed like some believe it was actually Seathe for some stupid reason.

Yeah but Dark Souls lore in general is a barely connected mess. It's just a series of set pieces. Fun though.

Covetous Demons might be Demons too. Also Smelter is made with pyromancies so it could be considered one.
Demon of Song I have no idea. It could be one of the abominations associated with Sinh (because of the connections between Shulva and Amana), or something related to Death (because of Undead Crypt and Amana). But there are pyromancers outside his boss room.
Honestly it could be like a super advanced version of the darkstalkers, who already dropped the pyromancy flame anyway.

Seathe's heir is the guy who made the spider. He also goes crazy and starts turning people into monsters, that's the connection.

But I like all 3 games.

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Tseldora didn't create monsters, he just became obsessed with spiders and let them take over the duchy. Its predecessor, whose name we don't know, used to create monsters and lived where the Shaded Ruins are now.

Seath's soul sits inside the dead dragon. Freja has no great soul. Soul of Gwyn merged with Iron when he was dieing. Sinner has some connection to pyronancy and Witches soul physicly manifests as a chaos bug liveing in Siner's eye hole. Rotten has Niyo's soul probably as a result of mass death, caused by Sinh, that created the Rotten.

oh i remember this boss from the best souls game in the series.

DaS2 was the best, most content filled and most ambitious souls game of them all, it just needed more time in the oven.

Also Majula is the comfiest area ever conceived in a vidya.

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do you think he's hiding a massive dong in the lava?

Covetous is 1000% not a demon. Just a human victim of the same eating magic (?) that transformed Gapeing Dragon and Aldrich (and was on it's way to mutate Smough)