Street Fighter needs an Australian character

Street Fighter needs an Australian character

It already has a Canadian character (Abigail), now Australia needs a chance

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there should be more aus reps in most games in general, hopefully without all of them having an outback aesthetic

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like Blanka, but it throws VB cans and begs you for durries.

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Filipino first a boxer like manny whats australia fighter gonna do cry about how a dingo ate his baby?

>another 5foot twink for my homosexual fapfic plz

It already has enough shitty characters, it doesn't need another.

Good lad

Kangaroo Jack

American rep, brown female wrestler who wants to take on R.Mika. She has a huge breed able ass

What are his special moves? Shit posting on Zig Forums and asking for tranny pics and crying about china

Kek i would love it if it was an actual kangaroo or a crazy australian who thinks he is one and wears a kangaroo themed outfit

Fighting games die here very quick
I bought DBFZ and it died instantly and had to play Americans not fun at all :(

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As an Australian: FUCK AUSTRALIA. I fucking hate this cucked SJW Chinese-owned bogan infested shitpile of a "country". And our accent(s) is (are) fucking retarded.

Oi cunt

As. A filipino i love Australia they are cool and decent people.

Removing Sydney and Melbourne would solve 90% of our issues
>chinks gone
>fags gone
>niggers gone

He can only punch once, killing whoever but if he misses he can't do anything

unfortunately this is a good as it gets anywhere and it isn't getting better for anyone.

No one cares about you overly proud hairless chimpanzees, also Manny lost to Mayweather lol

They should tie that to a drinking mechanic if he gets drunk and punches you it only takes him one punch to knock fighters out

australia has no martial arts

At least we have a fighter kek

howsabout a strong independent female aussie

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>The drunker you get the more punches you can throw
It'll be like an energy mechanic

You have NO idea just how horrible Australian women are.

Lmao weak cunt

>Choose your fighter


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Pinoy cringe ladyboys btfo

I feel you bro. I'm sick of Tekken and SF5 but they're the only active fighting games I own. Those devs need to get off their asses and add crossplay to more fighting games.

Fuck Ausbongs.
Make it a Kiwi.

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I cringe every time a Kiwi tries to one up an Australian. We honestly should conquer and enslave you inbred little retards.

there are 700k kiwis who primarily work in Australia.
40% of the working age pop of kiwis depends on working in australia.

NZ isn't a real country and doesn't deserve independence