Is it any good? i miss playing snowboard kino during the winter like SSX On Tour.

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It's a very chill relaxing game. It's not really as structured as SSX, you can do pre-made races and shit but the most fun you'll have is just climbing up a mountain, finding a nice spot, and doing tricks off it for a while.
Oh and get the dlc that adds sleds.

It's not fun like ssx games it's like a sim game not arcadey

One of my favorite games to just shut my brain down and ski down a beautiful scenery. The open world aspect makes it very relaxing, but less fun in some sorts.

g-force meter was a huge turnoff in the beta but I don't know if they changed it since then

Its extremely kino, its the best snowboarding game I’ve played

It'll never be as good as SNOW.
Such a fucking pity that they took that game, which had a player base of less than 100 and made it a monthly subscription 5 years after it came out.
Fuck Snow and their retarded fucking Devs

It's kinda cool for just chilling out and snowboarding, but the mechanics aren't particularly deep. Progression is tied to doing SSX-style challenges which just aren't particularly interesting in a realistic-ish snowboarding game. Setting trick high scores gets old pretty quickly when you're just doing simple grab + 360 tricks over and over.

Honestly one of the most fun games of the past few years. Only thing I hate is that the challenges are online only so someday they will no longer be playable (even Olympics DLC which is a huge bummer) but even when that day comes I'll still be playing it because most of the fun just comes from traversing the mountains however you please and doing tricks for your own entertainment rather than to reach a score.
If you enjoy it for the score challenges and races I absolutely recommend that Olympics DLC. Haven't tried any of the others yet.

Waiting for Shredders

>hey you know snowboarding, one of the coolest extreme sports?
>dude let’s make the game hyper realistic and sim-like lol! Let’s take the crazy fun of arcade board sport games and just piss everywhere! Dude take us seriously!

it's alright if you like ski and snowboard
don't like Wingsuit,Paraglide and Rocket challenges though

what about SNEED?

Is this game having a free weekend right now to warrant this thread?

don't be stupid user this is SSX tier realistic.
>t. ski addict

that being said, this is a really good fucking game. The x-games content really pushed it over the top for me.

there was a time it was permanently free in Uplay


Let me guess, it was months ago?

actually some years i think

It's the same trick over and over and over and over and over. There is no fun in this.

Just ski in real life fag


I already do fag and i'm definitely better than you

I also got it for free on PS4. Played it for two hours and uninstalled.

oh yeah? i mastered the pizza slice nigger, you're fucking nothing

Hated it, thought it was laughably bad. And that woman died for it. Just emulate the game you miss desu.

If you like skateboarding too and miss the Skate games can recommend Skater XL. Not as autistic as Session, tons of mods/community maps, super chill. Not a shill, just gotten into it lately and seems like the vibe you're looking for.

Are the Skater XL maps more like sandbox areas to chill and freestyle, or are they more like a looping path?

I bought this but never played it. I should install it.

G-force meter is still in, and it is absolutely the worst part of the game.

For everyone who hasn't played: the g-force meter is basically your health bar, which goes down if you have a bad landing, a hard landing, or ride on rocky terrain. It kills all fun.

The worst part is if you barely survive something and your health is really low, it's be the perfect moment to celebrate, right? Well fuck you, now your screen is black & white, and the sound is all muffled out.

Oh maybe you can just keep riding and enjoy yourself as it regenerates? Nope, you have to literally slow down to what feels like a snail's pace for it to start regenerating.

One of my favorite things about EA's Skate series was the extreme stuff. Like going 200mph down hills and having the camera shaking violently as the noise of the wheels spinning along the ground blows my eardrums out. Then launching into the air for a few seconds of silence, and then getting right back into the extreme speed as I hit the ground.

Any of that feeling in Skater XL?

I miss SSX 2012 and wish it came to PC, I remember getting it for 360 and walking home from work at -36C that night only to throw myself back into more (virtual) snow, the music system was wicked and it was cool that you could add you own and have the game mix and adapt it just like the base playlist.

good, but i had to stop playing it because that awful high pitched noise that indicates low health.