Bullet Sponge: The Game

>Bullet Sponge: The Game

Attached: Sekiro_art.jpg (280x350, 42.84K)

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You're supposed to break their posture with continuous attacks and not the hit-and-run tactic you use in dark souls

almost like the game is disincentivizing vitality kills on most bosses and wants you to kill them with posture.

lmao OP BTFO

Get gud

I'm aware, I'm at the last boss of the short ending. I went back to kill the headless that rekt me because I thought I'd stand a chance now but I do practically zero damage, even with divine confetti, and his posture bar returns to empty immediately. I give up. I've never been more ready to finish a game.

If only I had that kind of time

It shouldn't take that long. The game is designed to be beaten within 80 hours by pretty much anyone that is persistent with it.

I'm just salty. Mostly at some of the minibosses. How the fuck did I beat Guardian Ape on my second try but Snake Eyes has killed me 50+ times? I know I know. "Git gud"


Oh shit. Ill give it a shot, thx

>Doing short ending on first playthrough
>Even knowing it's the short ending to start with because you didn't play blind
>Thinking you should take on headless at that point

You can fight them then, but this seems like trolling more than anything.

But you don't have a gun in this game

>mfw everyone sleeps on sabimaru basically having a whole full moveset that is bigger than the sword's


>tfw lighting the blade on fire and doul welding
I have no idea what to use it on but it's fucking rad

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I don't hate the game. There's a lot I like about it and a lot I don't. I didn't research it much and went in expecting soulsborne and got btfo by a rythem QTE game. I didn't want to get filtered, but I got so tired of having my shit pushed in by every enemy that I looked up how much further I had to go until the end. I decided on the short ending because I don't want the rest of my hair to fall out.

Both Snake eyes are like the red guard enemies in that they feel like they turn your dance of death into a hack n slash brawl. My advice, if you're not trying to master them, is to just sprint away as far as you can when the symbol pops up, and don't let your back get too close to a wall.

yooo who else got the tengu skin? took me a while of practicing Inner Isshin, but once I got him down the fight felt so good and fluid. I actually nearly got my ass beat by Genichiro beforehand because I was half assing him.

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do it on isshin

Initially I thought most tools were useless but I keep discovering new ways to use them, love this game

If anything enemies die too quickly in this game.

What are some other cool things you’ve found?

got it day one

only hard gauntlet is the final one, too bad it gives nothing

Attached: Sekiro™_ Shadows Die Twice_20201031235524.jpg (3840x2160, 554.35K)

I just wish spirit emblems weren't a thing so I could freely use tools without my"what if I need the consumables later" autism kciking in, though I guess things would be too unbalanced if you could use tools and arts completely freely.

Their posture meter is basically their health. You only need to press the attack button when the red blob appears.

>Bullet Sponge
>when the enemies are blocking all of your attacks
You have to open up their guard

>played through the game a few times
>enjoyed it quite a bit
>try it Charmless because I heard it encourages deflecting more
>it also buffs enemy posture, vitality, and damage
>bosses and even some enemies just feel tedious
What were they thinking?

Yeah that's annoying
The game is a series of assassinations and duels but all the duels are completely asymmetrical
Every boss and miniboss no matter how small and weak has considerably more health than you do
Their attacks gain hyper armor when yours don't, their attacks easily break your combos while yours don't affect theirs and they're able to do "execution" moves on you without breaking your postures while yours only work after breaking theirs
Sekiro would really be a little bitch if Kuro hadn't given him immortality

Do any of you know a way to unlock the new outfits on pc without doing all the shit

I swear Owl's overhead swing (from the ground) is a DS2 tier hitbox. Which is weird given how great the rest of his hitboxes are.

you can still build posture quickly on most enemies, just got to make better use of your tools and combat arts. But yeah, there's a couple of fights where the extra HP and vitality throws off the balance

That's pretty good bait desu senpai