AL thread deleted

>AL thread deleted
>AK thread deleted
>GFL thread deleted
>genshin thread alive
Why is Genshin impact the only gacha game we can talk about on Zig Forums now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cause its the only good one

The same reason lobotomy corp threads were deleted in favor of constant smash shitposting.
Mods are faggots, and jannies are trannies.

You can at least pretend its an actual game since its a BotW clone.
All that other shit is just jizzbrains circlejerking their favorate .jpgs

Nice joke.

might be worse. Might be some mods are marketing guys. Plebbit has them on the major gaming ones deleting competition threads.

Because Genshin is an actual game, not a jpeg collectorphon.

They’re all “actual games” though

the rest are on mobile and we have a mobile specific board now?

because this is FGO country, peasants
Genshin gets a pass because it's new and different, but soon it too will be purged

Attached: Artoria-Pendragon-fate-series-41759593-564-858.jpg (564x858, 110.02K)

>Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No!

doesn't matter
they're still allowed on Zig Forums

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It's a cultural phenomenon.
Plus jannies are most likely trannies who put too much of their NEETbux into it, so they cope by deleting everything else.

>Might be some mods are marketing guys
Doubt it. Several days ago some janny went on a pruning spree with all the Genshin threads. It's just a classic case of some janny deleting everything he doesn't like.

Well compared to other gachas it actually have some kind of gameplay that other single player games have.
Most popular gachas are just png collecting simulators where you send your png in the battle and upgrade it's skills and maybe buy extra png for same girl while in genshin you have some kind of interaction with the world.

Why is FP always BP?

it is a video game that doesn't play itself on top of the shitty gacha

becuase gensin s the only gacha game wih playability oter gashas are foking png simulator stinulator this has gameplay

>blocks your path

Thats still possible if not all are part of your marketing team. All one marketing dude can do is kill hostile threads but he cant prevent others banning his employers threads getting killed by someone else.

>It's a cultural phenomenon.
>relevancy fading
>player base - shrinking
>forgotten by 2021

Don't claim Minecraft status where it wasn't earned or achieved. Cultural phenomenon my ass.

should I fap to Abby?

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>babies first gacha

i honestly support autoplay for grind.
People shouldnt waste their live in boring shit they dont even want to do.

It is babies first gacha for people who complain about resin
They should be complaining about different banners and shit rates instead


>Blocks your path

No it isn't.
Its boring and gets repetitive after a while and the story tends to stop to a screeching halt. Its not the only good one, in-fact its one of the greediest gacha games with the most typical fantasy arch-types.

I love this game and I typically do not enjoy Tower Defense style games.

thats just convoluted tower defense isnt it?
wrong gerne to compete with arpg.

That's what the game user posted in actually looks like.

That's laughable.
The enemy pool is small and cookie-cutter and if you go too far you get hit with an invisible wall and your fairy companion telling you to go back because its dangerous.

I don’t get what the argument here is

>blocks your path

The point is that Arknights is a mediocre flash-tier tower defense game.

they should all be deleted

there is a FEH thread

>blocks your path

Can't fucking wait

It helps that it's the only one that actually has gameplay that doesn't belong in a Newgrounds game from 15 years ago.

Post yfw you saw the Zhongli trailer and immediately stopped roiling for Klee to save up gems.

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>tutorial gameplay

user, you know Nintendo threads always get a pass

Oh cool, so does the gameplay completely change from an autobattler where you occasionally tap the screen to use skills when you get to the later areas?

>not getting klee