This game really isn't as good as everyone said it was, and making Hades a villain again? Really? Haven't we all been through that old song and dance enough?
I kinda get the feeling this game might be overrated, anyone else think so?
This game really isn't as good as everyone said it was, and making Hades a villain again? Really...
its good as a progressional story game, not a roguelite.
runs rarely differ outside busted 1 in a million odds, and those are always with busted daedalus hammers
lack of boss variety, no difference between runs, progression coming to a screeching halt (forcing a tedious grind), heat outside 3 select skulls just pumping up numbers, make the game only good to a certain point
it was good while it lasted though
Good while it lasted, but could've been so much better. Shame a lot of people treat is as one of the best games of the generation so they overlook all its flaws.
>and making Hades a villain again? Really? Haven't we all been through that old song and dance enough?
I don't know who else you could have as the villain of a game that involves you escaping the underworld.
I think it's really good, better than most rogue lites since it has actual characters and plot progression, but runs can definitely get samey later on (although it's still the best combat SG has made by a longshot).
Overrated as fuck desu
This thread really isn't as good as everyone said it was, and making OP gay again? Really? Haven't we all been through that old song and dance enough?
I kinda get the feeling this OP might be gay, anyone else think so?
Hades wasn't a villain though, retard.
Pile of shit nigger loving game drenched in onions, shilled endlessly by Zig Forums nintendo roaches.
>making Hades a villain
The antagonist you mean? How is he a villain?
It's a very fun game with some structural issues.
The grinding for NPCs, progression, etc lasts far beyond the novelty of the content (levels/bosses).
Flawed to be sure but quite enjoyable to pick up and play. Definitely deserves more updates, hopefully the devs aren't done with the game.
Gave an honest answer to a shitposting thread, yikes.