You will buy Veronica's game again, right?

you will buy Veronica's game again, right?

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I love Veronica but I already have DQXI on Switch

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No but I'll check this out again

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Once its a bit cheaper, yes.

And only because I can marry her.

I hear if you buy all three releases of DQXI, Veronica will visit you in your dreams.

Heard its not the original hi def ps4 version but rather a low effort port of the Switch one - true?

double dipping all the same idgaf honestly

Already did, still gotta play it though

Veronica is a dirty whore slut and so are you.

Will be getting it for sure. This is the first time a DQ game comes to Xbox so I feel as though it's almost mandatory I support it.

Not including the 3DS version which is irrelevant to this conversation:

The game was first released on PS4. The PS4 version was ported to PC soon after and looked beautiful.

After that the developers wanted to port the game to Switch, but because the Switch is an underpowered piece of garbage they had to remake a ton of the game/assets in order to get it to run at all. As this version of the game came out a couple years later and Square wanted to bait double dippers to rebuy the game, they added a bunch of new content and features and called the version "Dragon Quest XI:S".

Now the "S" version with the extra content is being ported to PS5, Xbox and PC, but because its a port of the "S" version which had to have a bunch of its assets remade in order to run on Switch, it is a clear visual downgrade from the PC version that already exists.

It's dumb, but makes sense. The point is: we'll never have a true "definitive" version of the game, but you'll get a lot more content with this new one.



I need convincing OP lots of convincing

No, the new graphics don't make her justice

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You take that back

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Veronica wins again!

Hell no
time Travel plot was convoluted.

Fuck you Act 3 was kino.

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Could someone mod the DE content into the PC version?

It was shit, any development prior amounted to fucking nothing.

Spoken like a true retard

Serena's game is definitely some high quality shit, but I'll probably wait for a sale

It amounted to nothing in act 2 as well

>Veronica explains she was turned into a loli by an evil wizard who stole her magic or some shit
>gets transformed back by the sage
>reverts form afterward like nothing fucking happened, and the party doesn't even comment on it
>remains a loli forevermore
I hate this character, I hate this writing. I hate everything about this dumb cockney slag with a singular, burning rage, and the fact that I have to buy this dumb fucking game again thanks to Square Enix's kikery makes me even angrier.

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shut up faggot

check this 7

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I love Veronica!

anyone have the one where she fucks the monsters?

I've bought it three times already
First on PS4, but I sold it because the grass gave me motion sickness
Second on PC
Third on Switch
Maybe I'll quadruple dip when it goes on sale for less than 20.


>any development prior amounted to fucking nothing.
What development? Don't conflate tragedy with character development.

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yeah but first check this 7


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why would I do that when I can emulate good DQ games instead?

Never so long as they don't unfuck the graphics. I've had enough of Squeenix being lazy cunts.

>hmm, when I touched the hot stove, it burned my hand something fierce
>let's do it three more times