
>warrior class
>hit thing
>hit harder
>hit hardest but low accuracy
>hit everything but low damage

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I love this fucking shit

Attached: JUDGEMENT NUT.jpg (540x620, 26.35K)

come up with a better idea then retard

Attached: 4rewfd.jpg (1086x992, 72.63K)

>"Moderate damage"
>"Moderate damage" (high crit, low acc)
>"Moderate damage" (100% acc)
>"Moderate damage" (multi-hit, low acc)

Attached: 1593317657092.jpg (462x430, 40.12K)

There is literally nothing wrong with having this
The problem is in not bringing anything else to the table in terms of the rest of the classes
Bard class for example is never done the same twice and can fill a variety of roles

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>warrior class
>huge fuck-off attack that takes time to charge up
>gibs anything that it hits

y'all complain about melee character shit but there's no feeling like watching a character swing a big slab of steel and watching a health bar go from full to zip in one hit

only bitches and dex-mode fags disagree

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I mean that is literally why I play warriors
to hit thing while also having high hp and armor
is it not a fair tradeoff?

>lose hp to buff damage

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jce looks shit in 5 so dissapointed

>on fire
>badly poisoned
>waste turns
>waste turns
>waste turns
>fallen over
>waste turns
>waste turns
>waste turns

Attached: fat lex luthor.jpg (755x970, 99.64K)

>warrior class
>hit thing
>suddenly sparks and colors explode everywhere
>theif class
>more sparks and exploding colors
>every class is a reskinned wizard
>sparks and colors

>Wham (single target, mild damage)
>Whammle (single target, moderate damage)
>Kawhammle (single target, high damage)
>Pow (multi-target, mild damage)
>Kapow (multi-target, moderate damage)
>Kapowwle (multi-target, high damage)

Attached: 1603495011613.png (276x222, 17.11K)

>archer class
>fire arrow
>poison arrow
>ice arrow
>double arrow

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>Wizard class
>You get a fire ball
>You have enough MP to use it only a few times
>Meanwhile the warrior is doing the same damage as you every turn with no resource usage

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high damage but reduced accuracy and defence

Attached: 4a4.jpg (680x706, 86.68K)

I'm glad Lisa leaned more toward stat-altering statuses even if it did have a bunch of DoT and turnwasters

Cantrips need to be a standard for magic users, basic spells that can be used without expending resources. Simple fire bolts and such that act as regular attacks on par with those of other classes.

Isn't this from that one anime where the girl in pic related gets repeatedly raped or something? It was from several years ago

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I like the idea of spells not being a straight upgrade from each other, and that each serves a purpose. For instance, fireball being MP efficient (for long battles), fireball 2 for some DoT, and fireball 3 for an MP inefficient nuke. Something like that at least.

Turn wasting is what happens when developers realize the interesting implications of turn manipulation and then do nothing with the idea.

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>high damage but reduced accuracy
>use skill that has guaranteed 100% hit chance

Attached: super easy.jpg (800x410, 75.08K)

play sen no kiseki if you want to experience why unrestrained turn manipulation is cancer

>turn manipulation
Meanwhile, in a fucking gacha game, pic related
>can be abused to run out enemy buff timers
>can be used to reset your own skills early for more burst
>can be used to skip entire enemy skill triggers
More games need turn manipulation.

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>follow up party's elemental damage with element-imbued weapon hits

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>faggot class
>post pointless green text threads
>nobody cares
>video games

My nigger.

That's admittedly pretty cool but I'm still not playing your coomer game

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Literally Ragnarok online. Assassins constantly farting out purple smoke.

>Paladin class
>Giant crosses that fall from the sky onto enemies

Attached: Assassin.jpg (800x600, 101.61K)

>Equippable stackable skill that increases next attack damage up to 16 times
>Skill that makes next weapon-skill 100% critical
>Equippable weapon-skill with limited uses and high damage that does triple damage on a crit
>It's AoE

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>element 1, element 2, element 3
>multielement 1, multielement 2, multielement 3
>dark element light element
>neutral element

>huge fuck-off attack that takes time to charge up
>standard attack can be executed 5 times in the same amount of time
>enemy dies after the 3rd attack

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>boss is given unpredictable turn-screwing
>coomer game
Sorry, Granblue has no coom. Only gameplay. This is the shit you have to deal with on a Granblue boss: gbf.wiki/Akasha_(Raid)
You want coomshit, go play Azur Lane or something. I'm here to suffer.

Attached: akasha.png (862x1820, 151.41K)

Grapples, slams and throws are always cool. RPG elements where positioning matters are cool, so having a warrior capable of that would be nice.

>neutral element

The fuck is up with this? The 'end game' is always "hur enemies resist all element damage and do non-elemental damage to you so nothing exploits any weakness".