How much money would you pay for this game?

How much money would you pay for this game?

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I wouldn't download the "game" even if it was free.

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i wouldn't

I will never pay for a fucking ubishit game. It boggles my mind how little effort they have to put into these pile of shit games, yet retards will still lap it up like it's the last drop of water in the Sahara desert.
Kill yourself, OP.

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Im doing an ethnic cleansing of London. Pretty fun so far

your Zig Forumsitics wont make up for your shitty purchasing decision.


you'd have to pay me to play ubishit

They would have to pay me to play ubitrash. Ubisoft games feel like a chore.

>ubisoft games

They killed or ruined all my favorite series from them.

They also removed the sails from sailboats, but left them in the game. Every day I play this shit I find new crap to be disappointed by.

currently $130ish, Ultimate edition and $20 in funny money for the cat suit DLC

paid 60, it's okay. fun to fuck around and recruit people but holy shit the story and writing are painfully bad

Theres a special place in hell for you two.

I haven't bought a Ubishit game in like a decade.

Maybe if the game had a fucking demo I could tell you, but I have no idea if I'm going to like it or not so I have no idea.
>jUsT pIrAtE iT

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you don't have a right to talk shit on a board that shills nintendo

Welcome to the future of western AAA games.

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The funny thing is these games arent even fun.
Their literal reskins of one another in a different setting.
I would literaly rather be a league player, or WoW than this shit

$0, I don't buy Denuvo. I rented it for pennies on console.

Why are you against pirating?
I rent 99% of AAA games, so the moneys not going to the companys anyways.

I enjoyed 2 and am having fun with this one. I just got the deep profiler abn am trying to figure out what to do when a potential recruit has
>friend is in the hospital

These games hit a pretty good niche for me in that they let me choose my approach like I would with the PS2 GTA games. That's something they lost when they went more cinematic. Also GTAO is cancer and paying real money to even begin having fun is mega cancer.

500 for the ps5 and 70 for the game.

$10 at most

Ubisoft needs to pay me to play it.

dont do it

Don't worry, im a poorfag larper who can't afford either item.

Negative $60.
Pay me to play a Ubisoft open world game.

I paid 15$ to pay it and Valhalla before November ends

How much would you pay me?

when it comes bundled with another fun game like 2 w/ division 2

LoL is literally the final game hypercompetitive no fun allowed hardcore

It’s the previous two watch dogs with less features and the random profiles/recruitment mechanic. It only keeps the core gameplay of infiltration and murder, but leaves all hands off approaches outside of drones off the table and removes all side activities like visiting land marks, taxi driving, puzzle solving, racing, car collecting, music hoarding and platforming.

not really your matched with equal opponents.

Unbalanced fights would be uncompetitive.
