What is a video game absolutely no one can say is bad?

It doesn’t have to be everyone’s favorite, but a game absolutely everyone will at least say is okay. It can have flaws, but nobody could seriously call it “bad”

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Mario 3


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Super Mario Galaxy

Kirby. Every game isn't a 10/10 and they all have a flaw, but nobody can turn on a kirby game and go "holy fuck this is ass", even epic kirby gets a pass from the people who hate it

These and Mario 1. If anyone says otherwise they're contrarians.

Contra 3: the alien wars


Kirby games are so fucking easy they become boring as fuck.

Am i retarded for having a LOT more fun with Cotm? I seriously Barely even enjoyed AOS after playing COTM.

Metal Gear Solid 3

Ghost Trick on DS
Henry Hatsworth in the puzzling adventure on DS

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wow complete opposite, i never managed to completed it. I couldn't decide which castlevania game to start with (i started with the GBA) and found AoS the most fun with the soul collecting mechanic and CoTM stiff/older style of gameplay sort of turned me off. I'm probably going to go back to it one day.

Katamari Damacy

Shit controls. I sure love not being able to aim without standing still in a fire fight.

PS2 ace combat games

Tetris, Pac-Man and Galaga are universal games thanks to their simplicity.

Punch out for the wii
It's just that exact degree of quality where everyone can agree it's good and have the discussion end there because there really isn't anything that could be discussed about it

Is that arab stallone?


The answers are Deus Ex and Ghost Trick.


Smash Ultimate

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metal gear rising

Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete Edition.

Ghost Trick

Mount and Blade: Warband

I've never heard anyone hate Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. Even Mandalore was clearly struggling to justify his dislike of it.

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age of empires

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>no RF:G
Shame on you, Zig Forums. I thought you were better than this.

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Portal 1 and 2