How pissed you will be if they kill Claire in RE8 for real

How pissed you will be if they kill Claire in RE8 for real

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Most likely she got infected and that's why Chris is so pissed

They're not gonna kill her right before putting her in the canon Netflix cartoon as the co-star.

If cartoon takes place before then why not? Besides we have no idea what comes out first

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I wont be

With her being the main popular girl after the sucess of REmake2?hell no...She will take the Big Winters cock and help hin creating his daughter with Mia.It Will be the ultimate fuck you to Chris that will sacrifice hinself to beat Alex Wesker

how am i supposed to be scared of these bitches when they make me hard?

>The only way foir then to surpasses Jack is making the witches teasig Ethan while they are chasing hin
Running from then with a erection will be hard kek

>killing off RE main characters


Not dead, just turned into a woman and then a little girl.

Wesker’s voice is heard at the end of umbrella corp

Oh fuck voice is so hard to emulate

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Goddamn I miss wesker. I want some villainous shit back into the games.

>I want some villainous shit back into the games
Like him raping mind controlled Jill every day?

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I can't believe how they ruined Jill in 5, she is a completely different person.

3 years of abuse would do that to you

And hair dye apparently

wesker was a villain. His death was the only logical outcome from the rivalry he'd formed with chris in CVX. Capcom just doesn't have the balls, RE6 would be the perfect point in the saga for Chris to die as hero after everything he went through, but they decided to use some BSAA random's death as a plot device to make him stop being a depressed drunk. And now he's a villain in RE8, and I bet it'll be for some retarded reason

Fuck off 5 Jill is hot. Capcom full of coomers

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Kill all original cast for sure

She is, but why not just make her an actual new character instead of changing her completely?

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain

Sigh... Here goes my no nut november

I love sad adult Claire

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Why doesn’t he just punch the boulder
Also why was he such a fucking asshole in 6? Suuuuuch a different attitude compared to 5. It was crazy.


>Also why was he such a fucking asshole in 6
Tired of losing his men. And in RE8 apparently loses his only sister

Why everyone forgot about Becky?

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Shes cute but her game kinda sucked

Claire is the best

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Then BLACKED again

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that's claire? I will now buy your game.

>erection bends


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