Did you work on your game today, Zig Forums?

Did you work on your game today, Zig Forums?

Attached: 91D89B2A-A277-4E25-8ABA-A0BB646D7746.png (728x409, 127.64K)

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no but I worked on it a bit yesterday and also made a song for someone else's game.

Attached: TV boss.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

Does lore making count?


no, that's glorified ideaguying


I've spent too much time on this one boss but there's tricks, assets, and tools I can reuse from it. I can take that health bar and slap it on other bosses.

Attached: hot and cold.webm (960x540, 1.97M)

i dig it, dude looks cute when he bounces from the walls, reminds me of arthur from ghosts and goblins

Thanks. If there's shit you like to see in a run 'n gun, I'm all ears

I had started sketch a monster girl but I didn't finish it before going to wageslave, so I'm resuming where I left off.

I want to make a SotC clone but I'm worried people are going to bitch that it's a rip-off.

Attached: 307-3073640_you-will-never-have-a-good-wallpaper-gif[1].jpg (742x744, 85.88K)

Only bad games are rip-offs. Good games are "spiritual successors".

Absolutely, congratulations

I don't think anyone is going to be upset at you ripping off a 15-year-old game

Is game maker good for making point and clicks/VN stuff?

still better than not making anything

konami did it for years themselves

A tiny bit. I fiddled with the gravity and jump power so my jump height and fall speed are how I want. Next step is to set up a proper attack system instead of my current hack which only exists to test that knockback and hitbox collision are working correctly.

Attached: prototype.png (1566x639, 877.65K)

the latest windows 10 update corrupted my hdd and i lost everything.

Attached: a4f7e5ae928e58aa66d8984f9c989c641e091f91_00.jpg (362x275, 21.74K)


What kind of hit effect should there be when the basic bullets hit a character? I'm struggling with this. Should it be like a piercing white slash at the same angle of the bullet with a bunch of fiery sparks behind it? Anyone got any games I can study from for this? It's gotta look good without screenshake b/c that'll be saved for special attacks.

Attached: Screenshot (812).png (1600x900, 1.59M)

don't sayt shit like this its literally a nightmare scenario for me

>why don't you upgrade to Windows 10 user?

it's ideaguy but with extra step

What's SotC? Sons of the Cocks?

Sneed of the Chuck

remind me why Zig Forums hates ideaguys again? without us you woudn't have shit.

almost finished with the first boss fight, I’m ready to show it off to Zig Forums and get shit on

I hate making games. Why does it have to so much work for something simple?

Attached: NowdrawTheRestofTheOwl.png (797x517, 3.6K)

>without talentless hack, you couldn't do anything

Attached: 1522750441499.gif (320x240, 2.15M)

because the ideas guy is also the programmer, artist, musician, etc. not just an ideas guy