How the hell were kids back in 1996 supposed to know that this wall is actually a painting without reading a manual?
Did Miyamoto really expect people to accidentally come across it while chasing the rabbit?
How the hell were kids back in 1996 supposed to know that this wall is actually a painting without reading a manual?
Other urls found in this thread:
>dive to catch rabbit and miss
>discover secret
it's optional anyway, how is it a problem?
Because it ripples.
>See dead end
>Touch wall
That's how. I was 5 and figured it out, so can you
People told each other things by word of mouth.
It's sad to see how anti-social you kids have become.
How were you supposed to know the socket powers electricity to the console?
there's no reason for a dead end like that to exist, so you check it out, see the ripple, jump in. I figured this out when I was 10.
This is true but you didn't need to hear about this to figure it out, its pretty obvious.
I was 4-5 years old and chased the rabbit in there. Back in those days you'd usually only have a game or two at a time so you spent a lot of time in each area exploring and looking for secrets.
>Chase bunny
>End up cornering him in this hallway
>Jump dive to catch rabbit
>rabbit slips past you and you end up hitting the wall
>wall ripples
That's how I figured it out!
Why would there be a dead end?
>Did Miyamoto really expect people to accidentally come across it while chasing the rabbit?
that's literally how 99% of players found it.
The way I discovered it was by seeing a dead end and immediately thinking "this is weird, why just a dead end?" So I just walked over there and the wall pulsated so I figured I could jump in it. So I did.
How the fuck were newborn babies supposed to know that you had to breathe in oxygen to live?
Did Mom really expect people to accidentally come across it whilse crying for milk?
devs didn't treat players like retards and didn't immediately dumb down everything due to retarded focus testers, if they even used them.
They most of the time gave enough clues for players to figure out.
They gave room to walk, kids were going to walk, then they were going to see the wall shimmer and experiment.
Why does every secret have to be found by everyone?
That's why the rabbit's there.
That's literally why the doctor slaps you on the ass, to teach you how to breathe
Kids were much smarter in 1996 than they are today.
It's a suspicious dead end and the player has probably found secret levels before this point. Not to mention gamers in the 90s expected hidden content and enjoyed looking for it.
for me, its the strategy guide
Play render96. It's really good
>Even V-tubers can discover the secret better than OP.
its not just any kind of wall its a suspicious wall might as well have the letters blm on it its so suspicious
truly soulless
>star was blue
> (OP)
Not with those bowser animations
How the hell were kids back in 1996 supposed to play a game with fucked up controls and a fucking horrible camera?
Beginning of the end for gaming right here.
I wish I could remember how I found out about it back then. Just looking at it now makes me think this is way too cryptic for anyone to figure out without getting lucky.
Looks like Sonic Adventure animation. That shit is terrible.
We have these threads so often I don't know how people still fall for the OP.
here's how I realized it as a kid
>why hallway end here
>why no water at end of hallway
>there something at end???
>me go to end of hallway
looks like dogshit