ITT: Videogame characters you're slowly becoming

ITT: Videogame characters you're slowly becoming

Attached: 1533904908737.png (1080x1080, 1.23M)

You'll never pass.

plz tell me more, op

fuck off tranny

Nu lara is depressingly pretty

Attached: me.png (1200x683, 499.47K)


For me, it's Koishie

Attached: __kaenbyou_rin_kaenbyou_rin_komeiji_koishi_and_longcat_touhou_drawn_by_sachisudesu__a9b9a3c8bcbc6a195a7b2ed20775a0a3.jpg (2480x3508, 3.46M)

i saw the joker movie too

Stay away from that horse OP