These sales

>these sales
what went wrong?

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huh? im starting to feel sleepy...

>Pokemon barely moved since last year

>Meanwhile Mario Kart, Smash and Zelda continue to move millions more copies years later

Good games sale except for Pokémon its bad

Dexittrannys on suicide watch

Nintendo invented Coronavirus so Animal Crossing would sell that well.

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Why, it has no legs, BOTW is still selling more copies

It should be where Animal Crossing or Mario Kart are right now, it could have been a 25-30 million seller if it weren't a half-baked turd

>implying these are bad numbers
Pokemon has always been relatively niche as far as the mainline games are concerned, which is why the sales numbers for the major releases always hover around 15-17 million, even as hardware sales vary. The fact that SwSh has managed to grow this at all is genuinely impressive. This is something the DS or 3DS games weren't able to do, with WAY more consoles in circulation.

>ultimate became the best selling game in the series
smelees on suicide watch

How so?
Sword and Shield barely got anymore sales since it's opening 2 months while The other 4 games on this list continued to climb well after their release.

Sw/SH sold like shit by Pokemon standards. It's even behind fucking sun and moon. And those games sucked too.

I know nobody likes SwSh but even if it looks slow in comparison with the other games on that list, it's already the best selling Pokemon since Gold & Silver.

>It's even behind fucking sun and moon
Sun and Moon only sold 16.18 million

>it has no legs
Pokemon games never have legs. Even on the DS which sold 150 million units, Pokemon didn't have legs. Hitting 19 million for the first time since Gen 2 is as close to "having legs" as a Pokemon game could ever have.

I'm talking bot Ultra and standard obviously.

>implying these are bad numbers
I didn't say they were bad, they're just not what they could have been, see
It could be at 25+ million and have better legs if it weren't a pile of shit. Almost every other big first-party game saw a huge sales boost and set records on the Switch except for Pokemon. BOTW is the best-selling Zelda ever by a wide margin, Odyssey is the best-selling 3D Mario, Mario Party is the best-selling Mario Party game, Animal Crossing absolutely shattered its franchise sales by itself. Pokemon did fine but it could have done something like that, more of a missed opportunity than anything. Hopefully the next games won't be so rushed and won't be missing half the Pokemon.

>Sw/SH sold like shit by Pokemon standards
It's the third best-selling game in the series, what are you on?

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Facts don't matter user only the narrative matters

It's 3 million ahead of Sun and Moon already not even a year after it came out and this is before they get a bunch of DLC bundle sales for Christmas. Your seething is palpable.

Then you're an idiot

The DS had a smaller install base when DP launched, and it had 9 total Pokemon games.

>every other big first-party game saw a huge sales boost and set records on the Switch except for Pokemon
Highest selling game since Pokemania sounds like a huge sale boost to me.

>It could be at 25+ million and have better legs if it weren't a pile of shit.
This doesn't really add up if you look at how the series usually performs, the game-playing part of the Pokemon fanbase has always been pretty self-contained outside of Gens 1 and 2 when it was a worldwide cultural phenomenon. The idea that the game missed out on millions of sales because of a lack of quality doesn't make much sense. Did DPPt miss out on tens of millions of sales after only selling 15 million copies on a system that would go on to sell 150 million units? Of course not, that's just the size of the fanbase. AC did as well as it did because of when it came out, not because the game was incredibly good.

Relative to what those other games saw it wasn't, that's the point. It could have outsold Gold/Silver or even Red/Blue if it weren't half-baked.

No one is saying it sold poorly or flopped, just that it could have sold better and likely would have if it weren't for the controversy and general mediocre quality of the game.

Just like how Mario Kart 8 Deluxe could have outsold Mario Kart 64 if it wasn't a quick port?
oh wait

>This doesn't really add up if you look at how the series usually performs
I'm looking at how Siwtch games are performing in fgeneral.

If I told yo
>BOTW will sell 22 million copies
Before it launched, would you not respond the same way? That that's not how the "series usually performs?"

>Did DPPt miss out on tens of millions of sales
HGSS, BW and BW2 all came out for the DS afterward, the DS had 9 total Pokemon games, 5 if you lump the versions together.

>Relative to what those other games saw it wasn't,
Yes it is. It outsold nearly every other game in the series not even a year after releasing.

>It could have sold more if they blew more money making the game!
You can say this about any game ever, no one cares. The fact that it even made that much to be comparable to shit like BOTW and Smash off of only 2-3 years of development is impressive by itself.

You couldn't find this level of coping even if you visited Trump threads in Zig Forums right now

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>Relative to what those other games saw it wasn't
>Yes it is
No, its not you fucking idiot.

It didn't sell almost fucking double what the best-selling game in the series sold previously, it didn't outsell the entire franchise combined.

How is that coping, I want the game to not be shit and think if it weren't shit it would have been even more successful

take your meds, schizo

>It could have outsold Gold/Silver or even Red/Blue if it weren't half-baked.
lmao, no. pokemon has sold around 15 million copies on average consistently for almost two decades, nothing short of a BotW-style revamp of the entire series' design philosophy is ever going to produce Gen 1 numbers. the idea that this was the Gen that was gonna spontaneously bring in ten million new players for no discernable reason if not for the game being a cheap rush job is retarded and makes no sense. stop attributing what you're characterizing as underwhelming sales numbers to the games' lack of quality, it's obvious you're just desperate to reinforce your own opinion on the games.

>It didn't sell almost fucking double what the best-selling game in the series sold previously
Neither did any of the other games, so why does that make this one the worst?

>It didn't sell almost fucking double what the best-selling game in the series sold previously,
Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart aren't double the best selling game in the series.

Third best selling game at launch. It hasn't risen virtually at all since then.

They outsold every sony game in history, that’s pretty good

The switch sold 68.3 million consoles
In the same time frame (3 years 7 months) the PS4 sold only a measly 60.4 million

The switch has almost hit the PS4's 4 years 1 month sales (70.6 million) 6 months early and will have not 1 but 2 quarters to hit that to stay ahead of pace year over year. With the holiday season being this quarter, it's nintendo's race to lose.

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Sony and Microsoft can't actually make video games.

Do you not lump Platinum in with Diamond and Pearl? Emerald with Ruby and Sapphire? Crystal with Gold and Silver?

This is more complicated then you're making it out to be, certain titles selling really well doesn't indicate that literally every major release on the Switch would see a similar jump. BotW sold as well as it did because it was highly anticipated, marketed like crazy, and was the system's flagship title. AC sold as well as it did because it's a game about doing chores and living an idyllic, normal life and it released right at the start of what ended up being a massive quarantine for a lot of people. Pokemon had nothing going for it outside of being another Pokemon game. It was obvious from pre-release material that it wasn't going to be anything mindblowing as far as the series is concerned, and there was nothing to push anyone who wasn't interested in Pokemon games to it. Comparing it to BotW or AC makes no sense because they share no similarities.

You're coping by thinking it would've sold even marginally more had it catered to your tastes by adding every single Pokemon and having amazing graphics and complex dungeons and whatever else you think these games should have.
You know what Pokemon game had every Pokemon? Sun and Moon.
You know what Pokemon game had "complex" dungeons (as far as Pokemon games go)? Diamond and Pearl.
You know what Pokemon game had great graphics for the console it was in? Ruby and Sapphire.
You know which games in the series are the best according to "hardcore gamers", while simultaneously being some of the worst sellers in the series? Emerald, Platinum, BW2, HGSS.
You know which of these were in platforms that sold more than Switch? All of them.
You know which of these outsold SwSh? None of them.
Take a long hard look at the fact and try to figure out why that is.
And then, cope.

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Only nintendo can sell 20M copies of indie games for 60 dollar each lmao. The absolute state of nintendies

The ps4 has an extra holiday season in those numbers aswell, seeing as the switch launched in the month of March.

>Do you not lump Platinum in with Diamond and Pearl? Emerald with Ruby and Sapphire? Crystal with Gold and Silver?
No, because it's a separate release.
Do you lump FireRed and LeafGreen with Red and Blue?

>lmao, no

>pokemon has sold around 15 million copies on average consistently for almost two decades
Animal Crossing flipped-flopped between a few million sold on console and 11-12 million sold on handheld, then NH sold twice that. Zelda consistently sold under 10 million, then BOTW sold over double that and is still selling. 3D Mario consistently sold 10-12 million or less, then Odyssey sold 19 million, and is still selling. See where I'm going with this? You keep citing past sales trends for Pokemon as a reason this would never happen, when my entire argument is that these games have shattered previous sales trends and Pokemon has not.

>Nothing short of what they did with their other big flagship titles
Yeah, that's what I'm suggesting you fucking idiot, that if they had taken their fucking time and made the game not shit, it would have sold even better.

indie games are still video games

No? You generally don't lump games that released at different times together.

PS4 also had an extra holiday since it launched in November while the Switch launched in March

>NH sold twice that
And people complain about NH having barely any content

Of course you don't Those are remakes with several years between themselves. The third version of pokemon games are made roughly a year later.
Same with Ultra Sun and Moon. they are essentially the third version of Sun and Moon.

Yes ,it would have sold better if it had all the Pokemon and was an actual step forward visually

Thanks for making my argument again, I guess?

Every site counting sales does. Why don't you? Is it because it doesn't mesh well with rose tinted glasses for the failing Pokemon franchise?

And those people are retarded because it objectively has more content

So you do the same with Black 2 and White 2?

Sony has never had a relevant game that people bought a playstation for

It could have outsold Minecraft if it were good :^)

>The third version of pokemon games are made roughly a year later.
Which is why you separate them from previous releases. I've never met a single person who didn't separate the third versions into their own categories for the sake of sales discussions.

>actual games in the franchise had all Pokemon and were steps forward visually but sold worse in better selling platforms
The equivalent of a child covering his ears and screaming.

No. Those are actual Sequels that continue the story and aren't just an enhanced version of the first black and white. But sites counting sales still count them among B&W's Sales.

No they don't, no one lumps sales for Platinum in with Diamond and Pearl because they are different games.

Just like how pokeshills call people retarded for complaining about Sword and Shield?

>But sites counting sales still count them among B&W's Sales.
Like what site?

Then you haven't met many people. Get out more.

lol you keep citing sales trends but then just ignore the trends for Switch games you don't like because they contradict your
>Its IMPOSSIBLE for Pokemon to have sold better
narrative that makes no sense whatsoever

Not even Nintendo does it

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For the sake of just tallying sales numbers for each generation, sure. But even then most sites then break those numbers down for each individual release.

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They are separate games, no one lumps sales for fucking BW2 in with BW because they're different games.

>my entire argument is that these games have shattered previous sales trends and Pokemon has not
Pokemon didn't shatter records because there was no reason for it to do so. The Switch games that have outperformed previous entries in their series have done so for a reason, it isn't just one massive bump in sales across the entire system.