25 years old

>25 years old
>can no longer stay up all night playing vidya and carry on the next day as normal without any sleep
Getting older sucks, you never have time for video games and even when you do have time you're too tired to make use of it.

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I'm 31 and I can still do it easily. You'e just unhealthy

Good thread

>36 years old
>still a beast
Maybe I'm just built different

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How are the wizzard powers anons?

How's NEET life? Mommy still cooking you tendies before crying herself to sleep at what a degenerate disappointment her leech manchild turned out to be?

Wait till you get to 30 and need 16 hours of sleep to even feel slightly less tired all the time.

>36 years old
>actually plays video games all night

What a chad amiright

I'm 28 and very healthy, I have a physical job and wake up at 6AM. Latest I can sleep at 11PM. Last time I did an all-nighter was when MHW released and I had a week off. I felt awful, my body was too used to getting the right amount of rest.

28 and yeah I can't just push through all night anymore either ;_;

So, who's the demolition_d of anime in 2020?
Video games have SsethTzeentach, but I don't know who's the anime equivalent.

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28 and getting fatter easier than before.

keep coping wagie lol

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30 year old here, you lack willpower.

I work 10 hour nightshifts and because the 3 tenants sleep almost every night i get paid to do whatever i want to kill time. I can't leave the 4th apartment that is reserved for us who work there so that leaves only my laptop, books and TV. Sometimes i do calisthenics for good measure. Getting paid to play vidya, post here, watch movies and shows and read books feel pretty damn good. Take the nightshift pill. It will mess with your social life as you become a person of the night but i don't have any so there are literally no downsides for me. And I don't have to feel like a useless leech like neets do.

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this, what the fuck are you doing OP?

what is this Zig Forums meme where when you hit age 25 suddenly you become a grandpa? jesus christ you unhealthy fucks, get a hold of your life

Count yourself lucky, I am unable to go to sleep before 1AM, I usually go to sleep around 3 and then I'm tired all day at work. I'd rather get some sleep than play 3 extra hours of vidya.

literally just stop thinking lmao
>imagine being such a pathetic faggot you cant even fall asleep

When/if they do, there'll be another crop of under 25 faggots to take their place.

Im glad i never ended up becoming a failure like you

Used to think that too, but it's hitting me right now

>35 years old
>Every day you wake up feeling your bones creaking, and feel hungover despite not having had any alcohol in like three months
>Minor pain in one knee, but it's been there for a year and you realize this is just how it is now. Your body is just going to get older and weaker from here on out.

What the fuck do you do for 16 hours a day that you need to skip sleep to play games?

Why are you here grandpa?

>can't sleep and immediately poop out food I eat
I wish dying was less annoying

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I just want to stop 40 hour weeks, I don't even need all this money I'm just wasting it on gacha anyway.

>Why are you here grandpa?

My wife left three years ago and I decided I'm never going to start a family and I'm just going to spend the rest of my rapidly-diminishing life being a wagie by day and a shitposter by night while hording guns and survival food in my shelter so my brother's and sister's families have a place to go when the next big war breaks out and the nation finally balkanizes.

I'm 29 now and I've notices that I can no longer compete in online FPS games. I just completely btfo by Zoomers because my reaction time is slightly worse now. Feels fucking bad but perhaps a blessing in disguise as online games are pretty shit nowadays anyway.
Thanks for reading my blog.

I'm 28 and in the best shape of my life because I do martial arts.
The body is a machine that requires maintenance and stress to work properly.

Being a pathetic sedentary neet will make your body rot.
If you don't use it, you lose it.

you're weak, I could easily do it until I was 28

none of you have a shitty body because you're getting "old" you have shitty bodies because you are lazy motherfuckers with bad habits

Failure by your standards. You're a failure to me. Again, cope.

>none of you have a shitty body because you're getting "old" you have shitty bodies because you are lazy motherfuckers with bad habits

For a man, his physical peak is around 30 years old. If you're prematurely weakening, it's your own fault.

I work nightshift at a prison for 12 and a half hr shifts. Pretty good deal honestly. I miss being up during the day sometimes, but I like the peace of the night better.