Square Enix's lineup info

Infodump on announced and unannounced Square Enix stuff

> Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition is coming to Switch via cloud streaming next year.
> Balan Wonderworld is getting delayed by a few months. Square will now be releasing the game as a summer release. XSX, PS5, and Switch versions are all receiving exclusive DLC content, no PC, PS4, or Xbox One exclusive content.
> Nier: Replicant will be getting Gestalt as DLC later on down the line, similar to what Atlus is doing with Dante in the Nocturne remaster.
> FF7R is releasing in May of next year for PC, XSX, and Xbox One. It will also be coming to Switch via cloud streaming. The second installment is scheduled for 2023.
* DQIV through VIII ports are planned for all consoles as part of a celebration for Dragon Quest's 35th anniversary. DQIX, meanwhile, is getting a remaster with better character models, updated UI, and voice acting. It will be a timed exclusive for the Switch.
* Final Fantasy XVI currently scheduled for next November, but a delay to early 2022 is looking somewhat likely. It will come to both PC and Series X/S a year later.
* KH1.5 and 2.5 are getting ported to Switch next year, with 2.8 getting a cloud version. 3 will be getting a next gen version with the Re:Mind DLC that will also be available via cloud streaming on Switch.
> Next Tomb Raider and Deus Ex projects have begun pre-production, the former will likely be a timed exclusive for the PS5.
> Project Athia is supposed to be the start of a "new pillar" among Square Enix's RPG franchises.
> Collection of Final Fantasy featuring FF1 through 6 is coming exclusively to Switch next year. Like with the SaGa and Mana collections, it's exclusive because they had to get the original source codes from Nintendo.
> Second TWEWY is in the pipelines, but it's not a direct sequel to the first game. It's a Switch exclusive, which isn't much of a surprise.
> A brand new Mana game has just been approved of, thanks to Trials' sales. Planned as Switch exclusive.

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>Project Athia
>Western garbage
>nigger MC
Yeah, what a nice start .

> Second TWEWY is in the pipelines, but it's not a direct sequel to the first game. It's a Switch exclusive, which isn't much of a surprise.
Makes sense, since Switch is the only console it's been ported to from Android.
> A brand new Mana game has just been approved of, thanks to Trials' sales. Planned as Switch exclusive.
Huh, why?

>nothing about XIV

Excuse me what the FUCK are you doing?

Nomura said they are not porting The Story So Far collection to Switch.

>Balan is getting DLC
I'm cautiously optimistic

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>> Project Athia is supposed to be the start of a "new pillar" among Square Enix's RPG franchises
hahahaha flop is written all over this shit

Please tell me the Deus Ex news is true, Mankind Divided was so fucking good.

Man, I don't want dadfags to get cocky again.

What is Project Athia even supposed to be?
I also liked the old girl better.

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>> Second TWEWY is in the pipelines, but it's not a direct sequel to the first game. It's a Switch exclusive, which isn't much of a surprise.
When is the announcement?

Would be nice if true
But I doubt it

How many of the Human Revolution/Mankind Divided devs still work at Eidos? Because if they don't bring back the art director and the writers it's guaranteed trash.

>* DQIV through VIII ports are planned for all consoles as part of a celebration for Dragon Quest's 35th anniversary. DQIX, meanwhile, is getting a remaster with better character models, updated UI, and voice acting. It will be a timed exclusive for the Switch.

Is 8 at least a new version of 3ds where things were added? And also all consoles is nice.

>Not a direct sequel
>despite Nomura throwing Neku and Beat into new shit at the end of the Switch Port, leaving them basically dead
The fuck are you on about? Nomura is incompetent but the bastard aint letting his lead characters fucking die in favor of making a game not attached to the first.

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A lot of this is waaay too good to be true but "DQIV through VIII ports are planned for all consoles as part of a celebration for Dragon Quest's 35th anniversary" has me a little excited at the idea of being able to play most of the Dragon Quest series on Xbox.

> Project Athia is supposed to be the start of a "new pillar" among Square Enix's RPG franchises
why do every company even nips bend the knee to woke crap

>A brand new Mana game has just been approved of, thanks to Trials' sales. Planned as Switch exclusive.
Do not fucking play with my heart I swear to god,

>A brand new Mana game has just been approved of, thanks to Trials' sales. Planned as Switch exclusive.
The producer won't bother with new SD game until he remakes Legend of Mana. He literally planned to remake all previous games to make series popular again and THEN make SD5.

Cloud crap...they look terrible...

>Second TWEWY is in the pipelines, but it's not a direct sequel to the first game. It's a Switch exclusive, which isn't much of a surprise.
Really not sure how much of the original's spirit they'll be able to capture.

>Implying anyone sees the Non-DS versions as canon.

I am forgotten

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>>Second TWEWY is in the pipelines, but it's not a direct sequel to the first game. It's a Switch exclusive, which isn't much of a surprise.
I'm confused considering how the Switch port ended but if this is true, it's probably for the best. A New Day was terrible.

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>twewy sequel
God i hope so

>> FF7R is releasing in May of next year for PC, XSX, and Xbox One. It will also be coming to Switch via cloud streaming. The second installment is scheduled for 2023.
Too fucking long. I hate it.

>* DQIV through VIII ports are planned for all consoles as part of a celebration for Dragon Quest's 35th anniversary. DQIX, meanwhile, is getting a remaster with better character models, updated UI, and voice acting. It will be a timed exclusive for the Switch.
>* Final Fantasy XVI currently scheduled for next November, but a delay to early 2022 is looking somewhat likely. It will come to both PC and Series X/S a year later.
>> Next Tomb Raider and Deus Ex projects have begun pre-production, the former will likely be a timed exclusive for the PS5.
>> Collection of Final Fantasy featuring FF1 through 6 is coming exclusively to Switch next year. Like with the SaGa and Mana collections, it's exclusive because they had to get the original source codes from Nintendo.
God I wish.

All of this is obviously bullshit, but damn it would be nice

>* DQIV through VIII ports are planned for all consoles as part of a celebration for Dragon Quest's 35th anniversary
Please god PC please fuck
>> Second TWEWY is in the pipelines, but it's not a direct sequel to the first game.
I don't know whether to be annoyed or glad. The extra week in TWEWY Final Mix sucked, but leaving it as a cliffhanger still comes off as them taking the piss.

Cool story, bro. If only you had sources for any of these claims.

>Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition is coming to Switch via cloud streaming next year.

Awfully retarded. No one wants this shit. Better off releasing the Kingdom Heart remixes that can actually run on the system.

>Nier: Replicant will be getting Gestalt as DLC later on down the line
Fuck yea. Papa Nier is back.

>New Mana game
Don't tease me like that user my heart can't take it

>Collection of Final Fantasy featuring FF1 through 6 is coming exclusively to Switch next year. Like with the SaGa and Mana collections, it's exclusive because they had to get the original source codes from Nintendo.
They've rereleased those games like 20 times on every single platform

The fact KH: The Story So Far and 3 have yet to be ported to PC has been nothing but a source of pain for me.

>implying Nomura gives a shit about what casuals see as "canon"