Why don't you have a girlfriend?

Why don't you have a girlfriend?

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I don't want to beside I really want to be alone and enjoy my escapism with video game and anime

im ugly, fat, and black

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I ghosted my gf after she started being violent possessive and obsessive for no reason

Women only want one thing: for you to be their yes man. It's boring. Chicks just want daddy, no one wants a relationship or a partner.

i live in the middle of nowhere (town of 31k)
im on disability benefits
no education

can't exactly put on my dating profile "i'm never gonna have a job or fix my life" and get a date

Fat, ugly, socially inept, don't know where to meet girls, don't really care. Besides, they're not 2D so they'll never be perfect so what's the point? Can't wait until Elon let me enter the Matrix and live my virtual life until I slowly wither away.

I have a girl friend, she's cool.

Hopefully she'll help me find a gf once I'll find a steady job

she casually walked away 2 years ago (after more than six) and I don't see any point to playing the game of 'getting her back' if she's not committed/trustworthy

i ahven't spoken to another human outside my home in over 2years now.

I don't want to commit to a relationship. Especcially nowadays where it's fucking russian roulette

I never tried getting one anyway

Because casual sex is better and free.

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She had gay guilt and flaked out on me.


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Because I'm trying to become a wizard.

This, also in today's society, a cheating woman is empowering.

Surely you can get a black woman, no?

just become straight lmao
ez life

>I'll be 20 soon and I haven't kissed a girl in my whole life

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I'm not attractive.

get a load of this guy

I'm 32, or leve 2 wizard.

im toxic as fuck and everyone hates being near me :)

Because they cost money and time. I like my time, being able to do what I want when I want without having to check up with someone else.

I don't go outside.
Interacting with people is a pain and drains me of all my energy.
I'm physically disabled

Got accused of false rape by my last ex's friend. Refused to cheat. haven't dated since. Its been 6 years.

I voted for Trump

>still 20
lmao. Just put in some effort to look for and talk to them. Things would go wrong, yes, but that's just the way it is.

>14 year old asked me out when i was 19
>A girl in my class talked to me once at Uni before class
>Haven't talked to a girl since
>last had a friend when I was 14
>whole family are stupid, women are just mommies, men are criminals

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I don't, people need to be meaner. Elaborate.

>never had sex
>never kissed a girl
>never been on a date
>never held hands with a girl
>never hugged a girl romantically