Is anyone looking forward to Sackboy: A Big Adventure?

Is anyone looking forward to Sackboy: A Big Adventure?

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it's gonna suck

we can't go back to that magical time and place, so just let the series die already

>implying that anyone is hyped for a LBP game made by the people who worked on LBP3

No. It's weird what a big deal littlebigplanet was at release, yet it's faded from pop culture now
Unironically this

It's not a Littlebigplanet game.

No. MediaMolecule didn't make it and Sumo fucked up the most recent games

Yeah once it's in the bargain bin for $15


I've been into playing through PS exclusives series recently so yeah I'm looking forward to this. LBP3 left a bit of a sour taste but it wasn't bad enough to ruin the series for me. I hope the new one isn't super buggy and broken on PS4 like 3 was on PS3 though. Hopefully it'll be patched up by the time I get to it if it is. Should be sometime in December if Spider-Man NG+ and Miles take me two weeks like I estimate.

Everyone else grows up you stay the same

Sackboy is just a Funko Pop. He's a butt-ugly template.
He could have been fine if he had a personality of his own and they let it develop for a while, but right off the bat in the very first game he comes off as a soulless mannequin. He even constantly turns towards the camera to stare at you so you can see what expression you forced upon him and what garbage you slapped on top of him, because being your bitch is more important than anything that goes on in the game itself.
Now they're trying to backpedal, but I doubt it's going to work.

Yeah but lbp hasn't been good since 2 and the kart game was just ok so I'm not sure what to expect except for mediocrity. Ps hasn't had good platformers since 2 and 3 anyway

We just need it on PC, please.

Since nobody is replying legitimately I will try to.

I'll have to see more from it. Playstation doesn't have any Mario 3D world-esque 2 player co-op platformers. This could be it.

Little Big Planet does have an appealing style and if the platforming is better than usual abysmal LBP physics, it'll be fun. However unless it's very long I won't be getting it unless it's around the price CTR was.

its already being made albeit they cut sackboy out since Sony wanted to take them down. Also patafour is a patapon fan game that is fairly close to the original.

What gives you the idea that they're backpedaling? Did they say somewhere that they're trying to inject an actual personality into Sackboy? If it's the title that makes you think that, I don't think it's that deep. It's just a different but recognizable name that distinguishes it from LBP since it is a different type of game than those.

Nothing wrong with a bit of revision for him though. Just take the general themes of LBP and give them as personality to Sackboy.

very excited for the next game by the famed creators of crackdown 3

>no creative mode
Why? Literally every LBP game, even the fucking kart racing one too.

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I think they are scared any other creative games will compete with Dreams


I'm explaining the reason to you fucker

I'm looking forward to a big adventure inside your mother.


dreams for pc when? nobody cares about this smiling scrotum with limbs

Look I'm just here for Sackboy rule 34, I want to fondle him like a pair of aged low hanging nuts and let him see what he can do

I explained it fucker. Was it adequate?

I just want a Dreams PS5 port, but that probably won't happen because of the lack of Native VR support

Didn't like 3 studios try and make Crackdown 3 before Microsoft said fuck it and give it to Sumo to finish it?

I remember them saying it would happen when the PS5 came out. But videogame developers are also allowed to lie to your face now

more like my sack, boy

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Literally what is the point without a creative mode? Everything will feel especially shallow when you know it's all been pre-designed and is something that you couldn't make yourself.