
You didn't really think you could escape, did you? Hades thread.

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New player
I'm having a hard time deciding between the two doors very often. It's rarely obvious to me which reward I should go for. For example, very 1st choice in tartarus is Dio boon or Centaur Heart. I can come up with resons why I should pick both, so when I pick either I feel like I'm making a mistake.

If you are new, go for HP because longer you survive, better you get to learn new things like enemy patterns and stuff. Focus on learning how to dodge. Athene Dash and Call are very newbie friendly.

When I first started, I would prioritize the heart almost every time. I'm still not all that far in, but I find myself almost always going for boons first and foremost.
Similar thing with the pomegranate. At first it was pretty high on my priorities list, but now it's near the bottom.
Generally, everything is good, but I'm always disappointed when my options are just a coin room, and/or the shop when I'm broke.

depends on what you want to do. If you're just starting out don't think too much able it and just have fun.

I only started caring about builds after i finished the game

First and second level boons make a big difference, after that I'd rather try my luck getting new boon instead of reinforcing old ones

>great cast sword run
>buy the anvil by accident
>get life steal and big chop
>it was em4 hades

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Oh, don't get me wrong, I really do like the pomegranate, but if I'm given the choice between improving a boon, or getting a new one, I'll get the new one 9 times out of 10.
On a somewhat related note, I forget the name of it, but is the trinket that makes you do bonus damage if you don't have a boon actually worth it? I imagine I'll figure out on my own sooner or later when I go to level it up for completionisms sake, but it doesn't seem like it would be a good trade off.

the only thing i dont like about the game is how it priorities the dialogue trees.

I've been waiting to get Achille's companion for so long, Nyx has not brought it up at all. In the meanwhile the favor for sisyphus, orpheus and some of the olympian gods have been cleared and these all started AFTER i got everything for the Companion

i didnt understand the hate for excalibur until i tried to use it, the special is so slow i keep cancelling it by mistake

It's good for first and second stage, after that you are bound to have boons on most of your actions. You can change trinkets between floors.

New player again
What keepsakes do you all use? I just use cerberus for more health and after I've used my own death defiance I switch to skelly to have another. I'm sure people qho are further in the game do differently though.

what does the +2 in Ares' legendary actually refer to?

At first Cerberus' is good but later you wanna focus on chance for your favorite god boon or dps.

My choices go like this:
1, stage: god keepsake that compliments my weapon
2. stage: if i havent got Athene dash or call, the Athene keepsake, other wise other god that compliments my non-booned action
3. money purse to ensure i can buy out the later shops
4. skelly for that extra death defiance

Honestly, I just use what I need to level up. I feel like the butterfly you get from thanatos is probably the best if you can clear rooms without taking damage on the regular.
The cerberus and skelly tooth are both items I leveled up very early, and got a lot of use out of though. After that I would start out with the owl of Athena, and switch it out after leaving Tartarus. Deflect on dash, or attack depending on the weapon is game changing, and if you can get it right at the start, you are in for a good run.

Hit me with them weapon tier lists

Thanatos keepsake is great but the downside is that you cant switch it out because then you'd lose the accumulated bonus. Same goes with Hermes keepsake

Excalibur is pretty fun and I don't like the swords

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The only times I ever switch out keepsakes is either when I've used one of the ones that forces a specific god, or the money at the start, and then I switch after Tartarus, or when I've just finished leveling one up.
Or those rare situations where a hammer or boon has radically changed how I use my weapon, and I need to swap out the long distance boon, or something similar to that.

Game is boring as far as roguelikes go. Yay my attacks are new colors and do 30% more damage woo.

shit tier: sword

You forgot to say how roguelites are fake-fun


You HAVE given Bouldy Nectar, haven't you?

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Yes i would say Excalibur is of most strongest weapon. And Guan Yu among weakest.

Bouldy isn't much of a drinker. He prefers to get stoned.

What hate? It's universally agreed to be the best melee weapon.

>tfw no aspect of thanatos that turns the sword into a scythe

I finished epilogue, should i continue for whatever reason?

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Scythe and Axe could be their own weapons.

How would they function differently than the sword?

But I like them.

If you are still having fun, continue

>Excalibur is pretty fun and I don't like the swords
Well yeah, that's the point - Excalibur plays really differently from the other swords. (Which is to say you can actually play tactical with your slow cleave attacks and special use, rather than the somewhat-ordered buttonmash which normal swords tend to devolve into).

I bet you haven't bought everything in the shop.

As they do in real life duh. It's all about move set, zones ect.

Some things replacing the others in the house and there no reason to buy them all.

>Demeter as first god
>Rare crop

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Is there a way to force hammer to spawn like how you can spawn gods with keepsake?

pretty much the same but I like going with charon's keepsake for the labirynth depending on build
10 room cast buff or special buff can make Hades fight so much easier

>that crit for 4800
I guess extra crit damage, lvl4 Artemis and Patroclus buff will do that

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No, you can only have two hammers to appear plus chance for anvil in temple of styx.

First hammer appears either on stage 1 or 2, the second on elysium and if you pass it, there is a chance for hammer to appear in one of the paths in temple but it is not guaranteed.

I think i did rolled pom in to hammer once, but there not much reason to, unless you want first one yearly. You still get 2 of them per run same as Hermes, unless you skip them on purpose every time.

>no thanatos boss battle
>no scythe as a reward
> no "hover" button to fly over traps and lava

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There was also a chaos attack damage boon. I think it was 67%

how do you use the shield properly my runs with it all suck dick

>mfw escaped on the 6th try
Game seems fun I guess though. Wish it had more replayability, don't want to slog through hades a billion more times just to get like like 2 sentences of text each time.

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>traps and magma being relevant at all

I take it you dont have many hours in the game

There are alot of times when I only see hammer in Elysium not in Tartarus or Ashpodel though.

Congratulations, all that's left is how much you're willing to keep playing or maxing everything out for the sake of it. Don't feel pressured to keep going but don't feel obligated to quit simply because you've exhausted the narrative. You do you boo, there are mad lads who are still replaying Dark Souls 1, it's not relatively weird to keep going for the sake of it.