The base building and management in Peace Walker was infinitely superior to what we got in Phantom Pain...

The base building and management in Peace Walker was infinitely superior to what we got in Phantom Pain. I'm still bummed since I dumped so many hours into both games but just wish we had a good base management in 5 which was supposed to be Peace Walker without any technical limitations. Also RIP my nigga Alligator.

Attached: peace walker alligator.jpg (1280x720, 102.58K)

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are there any differences between psp and the ps3 version?

I'm mostly thinking of V, but being able to Fulton literally anybody wasn't the best idea. Ended up so that the easiest way to sneak around was to just delete people off the map regardless of rank. They could have limited it to certain VIPs or hiring mercenaries.

>Ended up so that the easiest way to sneak around was to just delete people off the map regardless of rank.
But that's the norm ever since tranq guns were introduced

nah it was pointless mobage shit in both cases

>The base building
There was literally no base building in PW, motherbase grew automatically.

Only thing MGSV added was an auto-sort function.

Just that the PS3 version doesn't have PSone tier resolution and the second stick.
Personally, the best way to play it is on the Vita.

>The base building and management in Peace Walker was infinitely superior to what we got in Phantom Pain.
and yet it was still facebook game-tier where you put the guy who's good at cooking in the cooking unit so that your cooking unit levels up and you get some meaningless slight upgrade you don't need, then you repeat this process a million more times until you finally unlock a few cool upgrades

>still no proper PC port

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I think what they should have done is simply not allow you to fulton during missions.
You do the mission, and then according to your ranking you get rewarded with recruits and that's it.

I just want a game thats like PW/PP but isn't MGS at this point, I'm pretty fucking done with metal gear but the aspect of growing your own PMC and shit is super cool in my opinion

nah the ps3 version is the same as the psp. Just now HD. It's a great remaster of all the games since bluepoint made it
It was worse in Peace Walker since you didn't have a binocular with a scanner in it that showed the stats of each soldier. I think you got one eventually in the game but not till later. So I would fulton a bunch of dudes in Peace Walker only for them to be D rank

Not him, but the tranq gun had a time limit on its effect, limited ammo, and additionally, enemies could be awoken prematurely and everyone would go into a search mode. While it was still piss easy to just KO everyone and move on, on harder difficulties the tranqs really don't last very long. And in MGS3, since you have limited suppressors, it makes it all the more challenging. More often than not you are better off just sneaking by 80% of the enemies on harder difficulties.

None of this exists in MGSV. In fact, there's a completely resource-free way to completely eliminate an enemy from the field. Bring a water gun, hold the guard up, and tell him to lie down and get on the ground. They will stay like this INDEFINITELY, unless they are approached by another guard. So for the cost of just a dumb water gun, you can remove enemies from the area permanently. No need to worry about them waking up after a tranq wears off, no need to worry about suppressors. This wasn't a thing in ANY of the previous MGS games. If you held a guard up, they would eventually turn around and try to get a one up on you unless you were there to keep them from doing shit. In MGSV they don't care. They will lay there with their hands on their head until they despawn when you get too far away.

on top of this, the maps had a lot more limited field of view. MGS2 and 3 on harder difficulties, you were often at least in theory within line of sight of the enemy before you could tranq them. in MGS5 you can shoot enemies a mile away where they could never possibly stop you

I'm just not sure how you'd go about making it fun and rewarding
like, would you find it rewarding if it was just text on a screen and you'd get maybe materials if your guys do well on a mission you sent them on a couple hours ago? just materials and maybe another few soldiers that they captured or something, and then what?
repeating this ad vitam?

what I would've liked is for phantom pain to introduce randomly generated missions that not only you send your guys in, but you'd have to play as them, and then even add some tactical element to it where you'd have to tell your guys to do what and at what moment (say, a strategy phase to tell yours guys to infiltrate from which side and then do what until given further order) and then from doing that, they would grow in skills and ranks etc
I think I would've enjoyed that a lot, not that I think PP needs anything else, PP is a fantastic game, even tho I know Zig Forums is still screeching at it not being 'finished', to me it's still the best video game experience I've ever went through, gameplay and game design wise, it was simply perfect, story was a bit 'eh', especially for a metal gear game, but those last few missions completely saved the game for me

but anyways, yeah, simple 'base building' probably wouldn't have been fun to me, but the 'pmc' building aspect definitely would've, leveling up my guys like that, and if there's enough content for me to keep going and going like an autist (which is why I'd want randomly generated maps and missions), and I could've seen myself spend another few hundreds of hours on the game easily

peace walker fucking sucks
terrible voice direction, terribly short levels, dumbass base building shit, MUH BOSS

mgs3 was the beginning of the end

I mean, I'm with you with the water gun being pretty OP like that, especially since you could use it to break their radios as well, but on the other hand, the fact that the game was open world, the maps were so big and the soldiers' AI was simply so much better and more random than in the previous metal gear, I'd more often than not forget about some rogue guard and he'd find the guy on the ground and all of a sudden I'd get the entire army looking for me

the only thing I'm kind of disappointed when it comes to V's difficulty is the whole 'dynamic difficulty scaling' thing the game has, or was supposed to have, with say, if you keep doing shit at night, the guards would start using night goggles, if you kept headshotting people, they would start wearing helmets etc
I felt like this was such a good fucking idea, but for some reason, it's nearly fucking impossible for them to reach those levels?
like, it just took them way too long to up the security levels and by then I had already all the cool toys and could find other ways to easily go past them

that and the fact that their hearing and vision cones are pretty small, but that's a staple for the mgs series I guess, and mods could fix that so not too much of an issue for me in the end

Top tier main theme, though.

>I felt like this was such a good fucking idea, but for some reason, it's nearly fucking impossible for them to reach those levels?
>like, it just took them way too long to up the security levels and by then I had already all the cool toys and could find other ways to easily go past them
It's a combination of some combat deployment missions removing their ability to get helmets and such, and the fact that they didn't use more of those heavily armored soldiers.
I installed a mod that puts custom sideops in the game and every area in these has a lot more soldiers and plenty of heavily armored guys, meaning you actually have to be sneaky since you can't just tranq everyone, and if you tranq a regular soldier, other soldiers are bound to notice since theres so many of them.

Portable Operations had no fulton and you had to actually drag the guards to your base, right? Do you think that would be a better way to handle the recruiting system instead of just fultoning everything?
Personally I think it should be a high risk/reward thing were fultoned enemies alert everyone of your presence, so you have to either drag your target away from their colleagues to safely fulton him or knock out everyone.

Since it's related what was your reaction to seeing the crouch walk for the first time in 4/Peace Walker/5?

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yeah I'm pretty happy that the game not only came out on pc but even got some modding going on, I haven't played in a couple years and can't wait to get back to it and try out some new cool mods like that

and now that I think about it, the fact that you're aiming with a mouse instead of a thumbstick makes the game's default difficulty even more of a fucking joke, and I'm sure any of the other games would get the same treatment if you could play them using a mouse, and it's probably something we don't think about when we gauge V's difficulty

>the same as the psp. Just now HD
the second stick makes all the difference; game gets way easier since it's way easier to aim (as in: as you should aim in any game)

Personally, I recommend these two.

Second one is just the expansion pack, and needs the first one.
The first one, Infinite Heaven, is basically a settings menu that lets you customize the game, you can change a lot of stuff, from making motherbase feel more alive by adding helis roaming around, more soldiers, them going from platforms to others, to the open world itself adding convoys, random patrols in the wilderness, D-Walkers, random heli patrols, and other stuff like random Skull ambushes.
Plus, you can also increase the percentage of resources each box, container and pickup gives to make it far less grindy.

And last this one.
It makes it so S+ and S++ rank soldiers appear in the world, so you don't have to rely on FOBs to get them, and it makes unique characters like Venom, Ocelot and some that can't be kicked out S++ too.

They are all easy to install, you just need a mod manager called Snakebite, extract the mod zips and install them with it.

you can do that with any gun, don't know what's you point there; if it helps, PW also has a banana

man, stop it you're making me want to play it again ffs
and I just reinstalled apex to play with the bros, I ain't got time to disarm nukes

Nuclear disarmament already happened on PS3 back in July.

>Do you think that would be a better way to handle the recruiting system instead of just fultoning everything?
No him, but: they should've maid fulton have a real fail % as they showed in earlier trailers. We have something like 80% in worst conditions at the begginig for a bit and then still always 100%; forcing us to take the real good soldier and ALL AND ANY POW to our chopper. 80% being the max for anyone and POWs only possible directly bringing them to the chopper or something

And as an optional one, this

It replaces the not-1911 from the game with the Operator from MGS3, and replaces one of the silencers with the one from MGS3 too.
It can still be customized as well.

Attached: 1580933497805.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

sorry I'm a big boy, if I replay through it it'll be full subsistance mode only, going it completely naked and getting everything on site

Infinite Heaven also helps with that.
You can deploy with no guns at all, and there's an option to spawn weapon pickups and equipment over the map in tables, buildings, guard posts etc.

Attached: 1575968707349.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

Utterly retarded story, to the point that it distracts you from enjoying the game.