Terminator: Resistance Infiltrator DLC has released on Steam

Terminator: Resistance Infiltrator DLC has released on Steam.


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That raytracing on the glow of the eye looks ludokino

It's unclear what the patch does beyond adding DLC. But there are probably a bunch of bug fixes and stuff. They're also working on VR support according to SteamDB, but they haven't released it yet.

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>Free DLC

Holy fuck

thats pretty based ngl

literally who

when for ps4? the game was golden, as a terminator fan exclusive to first two movies, this was a blast

is this game actually good? should i play it?

No idea. It would be crazy not to update the console versions, though. Especially since the PC version also had a bunch of balancing and AI improvements.

It's two games mashed together. Sometimes it's a standard action game (30% of the game), most of the times it's kinda an immersive sim set in a horror setting where terminators are actually fucking terrifying on the hardest setting even with the best guns.

I'd give it an 8/10

It has a story that you would appreciate if you liked the first 2 movies. It doesn't shit on John Conner and the strong female is closer to a Sarah Conner type of woman than an unbelievable stereotype. I enjoyed it with a trainer that removed the level up process, though. I felt it made the game funner.

>VR support
>red HUD
It's Virtual Boy all over again. Seared retinas, here I come!


The reason why the back lights on a car are red is that red color does not glare in your eyes. If red sears your retinas, then all other colors should too, and that means that you've probably set your brightness too high.

No, the VR support is something else. That screenshot is from Infiltrator Mode. I guess we'll find out what's going on with VR in due time.

Something a lot of people forget to mention is that the PC and console versions are very different. The AI is basically brain dead on consoles, but was overhauled on PC back in March. This new patch likely makes further changes. Until the console versions are patched, the PC version is arguably the only way to play.

The fact the teaser trailer specifies "Steam" probably means that the console patch isn't ready just yet. Assuming it's coming at all. I dunno why Teyon are so weird about the console versions. youtube.com/watch?v=WYwPivd8er4

That's actually really interesting, user.

Worth it even when one isn't a terminator fan? Did like the second one though.

It's basically a lower budget mixture of Metro, The Walking Dead, and Fallout 3. (The Fallout 3 influence can be traced back further to Terminator: Future Shock also by Bethesda.) It looks like they've put it on sale on Steam again. The stellar use of the Terminator license definitely plays a part in the cult following, but it's a solid game and they've done a good job of listening to feedback and adjusting it, so far. I don't know if the new patch has made further alterations to the base game.

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Okay game this got me.

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Should I get this if I have no idea what's terminator about?

It's a good B game by itself but you're really missing out on a lot if you don't like or know about the first two Terminator movies since it's full of so much fan service

i completely forgot about this game, for some reason i thought it was complete shit
just bought it on steam since its on sale, im a huge T2 fan

Go back with your trash.

Thanks, guess I'll catch the movies first. I only know terminator is when Arnold said I'll be back

T1 & 2 are some of my favorite movies, its a great watch and the effects in T2 still hold up

Why did they take the trailer down then upload a new version with derpier synth music?

I remember after the game came out there was supposed to be a patch. Did that every come out and what did it do?

I'm still waiting for that VR support before I get this game.

rebalance and made the game harder

I mean, you'd appreciate it a hell of a lot more if you spend 3 or so hours just watching the first two films.

Hell, you could do it while the game downloads.

Does it have replay value?

The patch overhauled the AI, overhauled all the difficulties, and in-game resource economies were redone. They basically listened to feedback that the game was insanely easily, and fixed it. Perhaps went a little far in some cases. They also did some QoL stuff like FOV sliders and chromatic abberation toggles.

But the weird this is that consoles still don't have that patch. I have no idea why. They haven't got this new patch, either. Although it will probably come at some point.

game has dialogue trees, side quests and shit.
probably not considering the budget


Free DLC? Screenshot pure kino. I always belived in this game. Based Reef and based Teyon.

>for some reason i thought it was complete shit
Probably because everything Terminator that has been released in decades has been shit. It finally deserves something good but I can't comment on this particular game

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Will 4k60 be possible with a 3600x and 2080s?

Is the dlc coming to console? If it hasn't already. And if so, when?

Sorry consolecucks, the game is essentially a PC exclusive at this point, most of the sales were on pc so thats why they completely forgotten about the console versions and only supporting the pc version.
Do yourself a favor and get a PC, i mean why the hell would you even play an FPS on a console

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